chapter eleven

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ELEVEN - 1992, On A Boat.

IT HAD BEEN hours. Hours of a lonely, darkening and dull high that left Saul wasting away within the 'safety' of the small bathroom, the ruptures of the occasional waves rising a few chunks to his lips as he spewed over the floor, again and again. His muscles had turned to liquid, swimming around his feet in a mix of flesh and vomit, shape shifting continuously into inconsistent objects that he couldn't quite make out. Though there was one vision - one face in particular - that seemed consistent in appearing behind his flickering eyelids. And it caught him off guard in a way that rose a confused frown to his lips - because this face - this dismantled and hallucinated bunch of slippery features - was not Sloan.

For the first time in six years, the brown hair had been replaced with a blurry hue of moldy green and sea blue locks, the crinkles in her nose vibrating upon her clear complexion as she laughed at something Saul found himself curious to discover. He didn't bother to tame the lose grin that soon stretched upon his wonky teeth, an array of gentle joy perplexed as their short number of memories the two shared swayed along his mind.

His eyes rolled back aggressively and soon fluttered shut, body slumped numbly against the cold tiles as Saul's unconscious state reeled in a momentary release of piss, another ingredient to the revolting, stinking, concoction he had incarnated within his intoxication. His leg twitched before finally resting as his mind shut down, a slight trail of dribble escaping the corner of his mouth as his clothing grew drenched, stained and smelly from the sick, the piss and the overflowing tap.

Aveline and Izzy continued to scan the second floor of the Ferry, features consumed in holy concern as their actions grew further and further riled up, worried and paranoid as the whereabouts of Saul remained unknown - well, Aveline found herself far more anxious than Izzy who merely cruised along and knocked loudly on every door, questioning the occupants on their observations.

"Sorry to bother you, Ma'am," He would begin, smiling sheepishly, "But you haven't seen a man with long, frizzy, curly hair, by any chance?" Then the strangers would shake their head apologetically and wish him luck on his finds, to which Izzy would nod his head and tap the door frame defeatedly, taking off for the door directly next door.

Aveline cursed beneath her breath, checking the elevator for the fifth time. "Where the fuck could he be?" She pondered aloud.

"I'm sure he's fine." Izzy shrugged, tugging her away from her thoughts with a re-assuring and tight lipped nod. "Slash's a good guy, he's always got his head above the water." It was metaphorically speaking and Aveline understood its terms, though she felt a strong pang of doubt withering within her gut. "Never lets himself drown..." The greasy-haired man continued, trailing off into a thoughtful silence as he sauntered through the corridor for the umpteenth time.

Aveline couldn't deny what he had recalled and from all the evidence she had gathered through their deep discussions, Aveline understood that Saul was in fact far stronger than others led to believe and he deserved a far easier and less pained existence than he was forced to suffer in. And she held unaccountable respect for him.

"Have you spoken to him lately?" Aveline cracked, slightly disliking of the quiet atmosphere as she fiddled with her fingers, heavy with unease.

Izzy shrugged nonchalantly, his thin hands woven into the depths of his leather pockets. "Not much." He admitted, quietly. There was no need to speak loudly, they were practically shoulder to shoulder in the skimmed width of the corridors. "Why?"

"Well, I mean, that's just it." She stated. "Neither have I, really, and I'm worried about him." It was nothing romantic she felt herself carry toward Saul, it was more a friendly care she projected. And Izzy was no fool, so he decided not to tease her on her false feelings. "He was so weird, earlier on this morning."

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