Chapter 5

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Kyle and I were sat in front of the tv playing with a train set he had gotten last year. The tv was off and when Kyle had asked if we could watch Tv Fray had mentioned I wasn't allowed to yet. I pouted but he had a good reasoning. I had been acting out so much it made sense that I had privileges taken from me.

The longer Kyle and I played the more I got jealous of Kyle's pacifiers that he seemed so attached to. Vanessa had mentioned that they weren't cheap when Kyle had thrown one in frustration, only furthering my guilt of wanting one.

After our play date Fray and I went back to his dorm for dinner. He made stir fry and I loved it, even the vegetables were good and I ate all of it. Fray was proud of me and told me I could watch an hour of TV as a reward. After he finished cleaning he came to sit down with me.

"Xea thumb baby girl" he said sternly pulling my thumb from between my lips. "Princess do you want a pacifier?"

I looked up at him with longing eyes and he smiled, "use your words bunny."

"I do, but I can live without one daddy. I know they're expensive and I don't want to sound needy..."

I had cast my head down only to have Fray lift it again kissing my forehead. "Baby girl, all you have to do is ask. Money is not an issue, I just need a request love"

I smiled at him and nodded before he sat next to me and we watched some Tv until bed time.


"Can anyone tell me why rules are established between a Dom and a Little?" The teacher asked.

Kyle shot his hand up as did most of the other Littles in class. This answer wasn't one I knew so I flipped through a couple pages on my book to try and find it.


"Rules are established for safety and power exchange" the young girl commented.

Our teacher smiled, "that is correct, now, I know I don't normally give home work but seeing as we haven't gotten to where I want to in our lessons tonight I want you all to read chapter eight. We will review it on Monday have a great weekend."

As he finished his statement the bell rang and we all began to pack up. Kyle and I linked our arms together as we exited the classroom. We began to walk down the hall as we giggled and talked about the lesson from today. It wasn't until we hit his dorm that we remembered, Fray and Vanessa. To say you could see the fear in our eyes was an understatement.

"Mommy is going to be so mad" Kyle was the first to speak.

We turned around from where we stood and saw two very worried dominants come around the corner. Their faces turned to relief as they laid eyes on us. Calmly walking toward us they wrapped us in hugs and checked us over.

"Are you okay bunny?" Fray asked me and I nodded looking down.

Vanessa opened the door to their dorm and let Fray and I inside. Once all four of us had entered the room Kyle and I were sent to a corner each. I could hear what sounded like rustling of paper before Fray pulled me from the corner and sat me at the small dinning table. I looked in front of me on the table to see a piece of paper with 'I will not wonder off' in Fray's hand writing.

I looked up at Fray with a quizzical look, "write that line, twenty times baby girl."

I pouted but picked up the boring pencil sat next to the piece of paper and began to write the line. Kyle wasn't sat next to me doing the same, he was knelt down in the corner still holding, what looked like, a very uncomfortable position.

As I wrote the line over and over all I wanted to do was cry, my wrist was starting to hurt and Fray hadn't said a word to me since I sat down. This was how I knew I was in trouble for real and I didn't like it.

Once I had finished I set the pencil down and looked to the living room where Fray and Vanessa were. Kyle was still in the corner not moved and he looked almost as if he were shaking.

"Daddy?" I called out to Fray.

He turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I done."

He stood from where he sat and came over to me. Grabbing the paper he looked it over before looking at me.

"You won't leave class without daddy again will you?" He asked firmly.

I shook my head, "no sir."

He finally smiled at me and picked me up, kissing my cheek he brought me into the living room where Vanessa had pulled Kyle out of the corner. Kyle had a pacifier buckled around his mouth and tears staining his face. Vanessa kisses his cheek before carefully unbuckling the pacifier and pulling it from between Kyle's lips.

We all cuddled on the couch and watched cartoons for about an hour before Vanessa turned it off. Both her and Fray said that until we showed we could behave again an hour a day was all we got. Kyle tried to protest but Vanessa grabbed the pacifier gag from the arm of the couch and Kyle shut up not wanting it on again.

Fray had asked if Vanessa just wanted to order take out and she agreed not wanting to cook. Kyle whined when Vanessa tried to get up and get her phone. The look she gave him made me shiver and when she pointed to the bedroom he visibly gulped.

"I'll be right back" Vanessa commented as she followed Kyle then shut the door.

Fray sighed and looked at me, "how was class today baby girl?"

I smiled, "good, have homework for over the weekend though. Have to read chapter eight in our text books."

"We'll get that done tomorrow princess, thank you for telling me."

I nodded and could faintly hear Kyle whining from the bedroom. I frowned and looked at Fray, "what is happening?"

Fray looked at the bedroom door then back at me, "Kyle's in trouble, it's okay bunny he'll be fine."

I nodded sadly and cuddled in closer to Fray trying not to listen to Kyle's faint cries. There was no sounds of slapping so whatever it was he wasn't getting spanked. This made me sad because I couldn't figure out what was happening.

When they came back out Kyle had tear stains down his cheeks and he was now dressed in a onesie and thigh highs. He looked so cute. He sniffled but giggled when Vanessa kissed the top of his head. He scooted over to me and Fray and as he sat down he jump lightly before relaxing into the couch. Vanessa waved Fray over and they both walked over to the kitchen and I got closer to Kyle.

"What happened?" I asked lowly.

He blushed, "mommy was mad so I got a plug."

I narrowed my eyes at him then realized what he meant, "she does that?"

"It was an agreement, it doesn't hurt, just very teasing. I'm okay I promise."

I smiled and kissed his forehead before we cuddled into each other and smiled.

Soon after Vanessa and Fray came over and cuddled us into a small sandwich. They had said they ordered Italian and it would be here soon. Fray and I ended up falling asleep on their couch that night cuddling.

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