Chapter 11

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Kyle's P.O.V.

Watching Mommy look at Fray the way she did made me feel a little tingly inside. I had a small crush on Fray since I met him. He just had an adorable note to him that made me smile. I knew what they were talking about, Mommy told me a while back about his switch nature.

Xea babbled in baby talk as we played and Mommy and Fray started to get breakfast made. I felt sad as I watch Xea tentatively play with the blocks.

When breakfast was finished Mommy came and picked me up. Fray did so with Xea as well, we were then set in high chairs. Mommy set my food in front of me as Fray did the same for Xea. Though all throughout breakfast she didn't eat.

"Xea baby you gotta eat" Mommy said.

I felt a small ping at Mommy calling her baby, though I knew why she did. Xea only glared at Mommy and pushed her plate a little further away from her. Mommy looked to Fray as if telling him what to do.

"Princess please eat for daddy" all of Fray's dominance had left him and you could see it.

Xea snapped and threw her plate making Fray flinch, my eyes widen and Mommy's face harden. Mommy was quick to pull Xea from her high chair and take her to a corner. Only then did Fray snap out of his small submission.

"V take Kyle to class, I'll see you after" Fray's voice was low and the dominance finally filled him again.

"Right" Mommy came over and grabbed my plate that was now empty before grabbing me.

We left in a rush and I felt bad, she was acting out because of Oliver. I looked up at Mommy, she looked deep in my thought, something that wasn't usual for her.

Fray's P.O.V.

My face softened when Vanessa and Kyle left and I felt it fully fall as I looked to Xea in the corner. V had no right to put her in the corner, she's hurt, she didn't mean to act out. I sighed, I need some time in sub space more than I predicted.

"Pretty girl can you come to Daddy?" I asked softly as I sat on the couch.

She shuffled over to me with silent tears running down her cheeks. I broke down myself, I couldn't do this.

"Xea I'm so sorry...this is all my fault...had, had been stronger this never would have happened...I, I should have been here...I should be punished for let-"

She stopped me mid sentence by pushing her finger to my lips. I looked up at her to see a soft kind face that she held.

"I need to tell you something Xea...Daddy isn't proud of it and it's hard to explain-"

She stopped me again by hugging me tightly and whispering in my ear "we can talk about it when you're comfortable daddy."

Tears welled in my eyes as I gently wrapped my arms around her waist avoiding her cuts as much as possible.

Kyle's P.O.V.

It was lunch time and Mommy had been unusually quiet all day.

"Are you going to tell her?" I asked slightly sad.

"W wha-"

"Xea, are you and Fray going to tell her about his-"

She clapped her hand over my mouth and gave me a stern look, "you know better than to talk about that in public."

I nodded letting her know I understood. Her hand left my mouth and I looked down.

"Yes, she needs to know, and he needs some time."

Mommy's voice was broken, and I didn't blame her, I wanted to cry too. Xea didn't deserve this, no one did, Oliver was a cruel person and everyone knew that.


"Vanessa Johnson and Kyle to the head mistresses office. Vanessa Johnson and Kyle to the head mistresses office."

The over com made me jump and the stares from everyone in the lunch room made me feel like I was in trouble. Mommy stood and took my hand and we left quietly to Grandma's office.

We entered quietly and Mommy nodded at the lady at the desk. The lady pressed a button to inform Grandma we were here. Not long after she opened the door to her office and let us in, though the man in the corner didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Is everything alright mom?" Mommy asked.

Grandma sighed, "how's Xea? Fray isn't answering my texts."

Mommy looked down, "she's infantilized, she doesn't speak, she just babbles. She didn't eat this morning, she threw it at Fray."

"How's Fray?"

Mommy tensed lightly, "he's needs some time to release, he thinks this is all his fault."

"By release you mean his sub space?" Grandma asked.

Mommy nodded. I lightly toned out the conversation and looked over at the man in the corner. He was writing down on a pad of paper as Mommy and Grandma talked.

"Kyle sweetheart how are you feeling?" Grandma suddenly asked me.

I snapped back to look at her and her eyes drifted to the man, "oh that's a therapist, Fray refuses to be seen but I wanted him to sit in on our conversation."

I nodded and looked down, "Xea sad, she is hurting not just on the outside. I, I remember talking at the park about her family. How they used to treat her, how they would hit her. She seemed so carefree that you wouldn't think that these things would be going on in her life. Her family hasn't even texted to see if she was okay. Oliver didn't just damage her body, he damaged her brain and her emotions. That little twinkle she used to have in her eyes isn't there anymore. She's given up on being happy."

By the end of what I was saying, we were all crying, all but the therapist of course. Though my words were true it didn't make it any easier to deal with in the end. Xea was broken, and we needed to figure out a way to put her back together in a better way.

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