Chapter 9

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Mrs. Johnson's P.O.V.

I paced my office as I waited for Oliver to arrive. I could feel the blood boiling inside me but as an educator I couldn't do anything to Oliver. The pictures of his room were enough to expel him, but I wanted him arrested.

When the door to my office opened I jerked my head up to see Fray. My heart broke at his expression.

"Where is he?" Fray asked.

I hadn't seen this anger in his eyes since we was nine. I sighed, "I'm still waiting for him to arrive."

As if on cue Oliver strolled into my office with a smug look on his face.

"You called for me Mrs. Johnson?" He faked concern.

I stood waiting for Fray to do what he wanted, and it didn't take long. Fray reeled back and landed a firm punch to Oliver's left cheek. Though Oliver only stumbled and when he went to hit him back I stopped them.

"Oliver if you hit him I'll call the police" I told him.

He looked at me with pure shock, "what?"

"Fray go find Vanessa and Kyle and the three of you go see how Xea is doing. I'll take it from here." Fray looked at me gave a slight nod and left. "Oliver you are being expelled, and I had two choices, call the police or let Fray hit you. Since I know you don't want to be arrested because of your father I chose the latter. Now you can leave peacefully or you can go a round with Fray again. This time I won't stop him."

Oliver smirked, "you think that little boy can take me?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Oliver you don't know Fray like I do. I suggest you take-"

"Shut up! He can try and fight me all he wants, I ain't going no where!"

With that Oliver stormed out of my office. I sighed heavily and slumped into my chair. I hope Fray got to Xea.

Fray's P.O.V.

I kneeled by her bed as she breathed lightly. She was laying on her stomach her entire top half bare. The sight made my blood boil even more. I clenched my fist and squeezed my eyes shut.

"She sustained quite a few large gashes but nothing serious. She has an immense amount of trauma. She may fall far into little space after this" the nurse spoke.

Her words weren't comforting, just made me more angry. "Vanessa, will you keep an eye on her?"

She seemed surprised at my request but nodded as I left the room. I walked quickly and found him still in the hall with that stupid smug look on his face. This angered me more.

"Oh you look angry Fray, what's the matter? Your little broken?" He laughed.

I was next to him in seconds and punched in the jaw. He tried to come back with a right hook which I dodged and kicked him in the stomach. Just before he could stand fully up I grabbed the sides of his head and brought it down on my knee. He only stumbled before looking up at me.

"That all you got pussy?"

It was my turn to smirk, "you haven't even laid a finger on me."

This angered him and as he clenched his fist I yawned. I needed to get back to Xea so I'll make this quick. Then he lunged, and I kicked him in the face. He flew back on his back with a thud as Mrs. Johnson and security came running.

She knelt down and felt his neck, "he's still alive, surprising. You okay Fray?"

I looked at her and turned away before starting back for the nurses wing. When I got back she still hadn't woken up. I sat next to the bed and took one of her hands into mine. If it wasn't for my x-ray she wouldn't have gotten hurt. This is all my fault.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I looked up I hadn't noticed I was crying until I had to blink away the tears to see Kyle properly. He had tear stains on his face and he kept glancing at my hands. I looked and found them a little torn up. He had some gauze in his hand and offered to wrap them up. Before he even tried he gave me a hug in which he and I cried into each other's shoulders.


Xea's P.O.V.

I woke up whimpering as I felt pain in my back again. I had been in and out of sleep for the past two days in the nurses wing. I don't remember much though. As I opened my eyes I saw Fray awkwardly sitting in a chair asleep. I tried to move and as pain shot through my body I cried out, gaining the attention of the nurse and waking Fray.

He sat up instantly as he saw me awake, "hey pretty girl, how you feeling?"

"Like I can run a marathon" I giggled lightly.

Fray chuckled and the nurse smiled as she came over to help me move.

"Now your injuries are not major but they also aren't minor either. You have been excused from classes for the next two weeks to heal. No showers baths only. Try to stretch as much as possible but don't over work it. No play ground until you can start throwing a ball again. I'm gonna give Fray a few things to put on your back to help the pain."

I nodded at the nurse as she explained everything. Fray almost looked like he was going to cry. I didn't mean to worry him, it's my fault he feels so bad about all of this.


As Fray and Vanessa helped me walk back to Fray's room I couldn't help but feel a little anxiety. Despite the feeling we made it to the room and I suddenly felt so tired.


I sounded a lot younger than normal. Though the nurse said it would be normal. Fray nodded and lead me and Vanessa to his bed. He gently helped me lay down and before I knew it I was out.

Fray's P.O.V.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I looked at Vanessa, "I'm sorry I hit you..."

She laughed, "no big deal Fray, I would've thought you were an alien had you not. Besides you beat the hell out of Oliver but left him alive, at least you didn't do that to me."

I felt bad regardless, she's my best friend it's not her fault Oliver is an idiot. I felt someone tug on my hand and I found Kyle at my side. He took my hand before smacking the top of it, surprising me slightly.

"No more hit Uncle Fray" he stated sternly.

I chuckled and stopped Vanessa from freaking out on him, "I won't buddy I promise."

He nodded, "good, only one warning next time it a time out!"

With that the three of us laughed and sat on the couch. Two weeks of no school, Xea is going to feel so cramped. My poor baby girl, I'll make it up to her.

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