Chapter 14

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Fray's P.O.V.

Xea his her face in my neck after her sentence fully registered in her mind. I looked at Vanessa then at Kyle. Vanessa was shocked, Kyle was smiling.

"Xea did you just call me Mommy?" Vanessa asked finally finding her voice again.

Xea nodded from my neck tentatively at the question. I rubbed at her hair to comfort her. It wasn't against the rules for a Mommy and Daddy to pair up and lead a family scenario. Knowing Iris she would love the idea as well, the only problem, these dorms are to small for four of us.

"Xea baby look at Daddy please" I coaxed of her softly.

She only pulled back slightly to look at me but let her hair fall to cover her face from Vanessa.

"Princess do you like Vanessa and Kyle?"

I know it's a stupid question but she knew what I meant.

She hesitated slightly but nodded.

I looked at Vanessa then back at Xea, "do you want Vanessa to be your Mommy and Kyle be your brother?"

Again she hesitated but nodded as she looked down at her lap.

I could see the happy tears falling from Vanessa's eyes and Kyle bouncing on his feet. I wasn't opposed to the idea either, Vanessa never knew this but I do have a small thing for her and Kyle. That's why I always hung around the two more often than not.

"Xea you know it is allowed for the four of us to be a family. All we have to do is talk to Mrs. Johnson and sign some more papers" I told her.

Her face light up as she looked at me, "reawy!?"

I chuckled at her excitement, "inside voice baby, but yes really."

Her smile grew, if that was even possible, and she hugged me tightly before jumping to Vanessa. I smiled at them as Kyle finally walked over and sat in my lap. He had the biggest smile on his face as well.


In Mrs. Johnson office the next day

She was glaring at us, I couldn't tell if she was angry with the idea or playing with our emotions. Xea and Kyle were still in the waiting room as Vanessa and I talked to Iris.

Finally she spoke, "so, you're asking to become a family? My assumption is that Vanessa will be the head of house correct?"

"Yes ma'am" we both spoke.

Then, and only then, did Iris crack a huge smile, "of course I'll allow it! Jeez you two, what did you think I was going to eat you?"

With a small sigh of relief we relaxed, "well mom you seemed more on edge than normal I didn't know what to expect" Vanessa grumbled lightly.

Iris let out a small laugh, "don't be so serious darling," she reached into a drawer and pulled out four large packets.

It wasn't often that families were created, but when they were, there were a lot more rules to abide by. She handed each of us two of them, assuming the extra one was for the Littles to sign.

"Now I'm sure the two of you are very aware that normal dorms are too small for four. Therefore, we have off campus housing for families, but I'm sure with Oliver still out there you won't want one off campus. So I have a proposal for the two of you, if you are interested in keeping Xea safe."

Like that wasn't an option Iris?

"Your father and I built a second, smaller, home on our property. You are welcome to move there, we have excellent security and it is all retinal scanning. Since you both haven't been back to the house in a while, I thought maybe we could family dinners once a week as well."

I rolled my eyes, yeah of course she did, dinner with Vanessa and her family didn't used to be fun. Though I guess with Xea and Kyle it will make things bearable.


"Alright everything is filed and set into motion, you can start packing your things to move" Iris told us after typing in some information on her computer.

As we left the office a few of the other students were pointing and talking. I followed their fingers to notice they were talking about Xea.

"That's her, that's the girl Oliver got to play with. She looks like she'd-"

Before I knew it I was watching as Vanessa grabbed on of the guys by his junk.

"You ever, talk about my little girl again, you'll be losing more than admission to this academy. Understood?" Vanessa threatened.

They nodded and Vanessa let them go, as she walked back over Xea wrapped her in a hug. "Thank you Mommy."

Vanessa smiled and carefully hugged her back, "what are Mommy's for pretty girl?"


Vanessa and Kyle decided to stay the night in our dorm. It was 10 o'clock and Xea and Kyle were already asleep in her crib. Vanessa has her legs sprawled out over my lap as we absentmindedly watched tv.

"Still think you need a weekend?" Vanessa asked not taking her eyes off the screen.

It took a moment to register what she was talking about before being able to answer her.

"I'm not sure I guess..."

She sighed slightly frustrated as she sat up and swung her legs over to the floor. "Fray that's not and answer and you know it. Yes or no?"

I started to feel slightly nervous, if I was honest I didn't quite know if I do or not.

She sighed again and rubbed her face, "sorry I didn't mean to snap. I'm just excited I guess, Kyle's been nonstop talking about how happy he is. He's had a crush on you since y'all first met. To be honest, I always thought you hated me, even if you let me dominate you. You were always so closed off with your emotions, especially after-"

"Please don't say her name..." I begged.

She nodded in understanding, "regardless you aren't easy to read Fray. When we move into that house you have rules too. Don't forget that just because you're their Daddy, doesn't mean you can do whatever you want as my submissive."

"Fair enough."

She chuckled and yawned, "well I think it's time to hit the hay come on. We have a lot to do tomorrow."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the couch. When I stood we were so close and I could feel my stomach floating. She was so pretty, and now, she was also mine.

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