Chapter 30

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Xea's P.O.V.

I was feeling normal again, like myself, I was able to regress and I was having fun with everyone. Grayson was so nice and very patient with me and my shyness. I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, but I didn't let it effect me as I spent time with my family.

"Sissy, chur turn" Kyle giggled.

I smiled and took the dice from him rolling, them gently. We had decided on a board game as it was getting to be late. It was our last night at Grayson's house and on vacation. Family time was so much fun when I got out of my head and started to interact with others.

Grayson had called my therapist and they had made an arrangement to continue my counseling with Grayson anytime I was away. He was a very understanding person and didn't seem to judge me for everything that happened with him. Though the longer we were at his house the more uneasy I was feeling, I felt watched, or at the least like someone was here that wasn't supposed to be.

 "Alright you two it's getting late, who's ready to get ready for bed?" Vanessa smiled at Kyle and I.

"Me!" Kyle shouted, earning him a stern look from everyone but me.

"Inside voice Kyle" Fray stated.

Kyle giggled, "yes daddy."

"What about you baby girl? Ready for bed?" Fray turned his attention to me.

I shook my head, "can I go to the back yard for a minute? I just need some, alone time."

They all exchanged looks, it was allowed while I was here with them, Grayson said it gives me some time to collect myself. Once they all nodded we stood and walked our separate ways, the screen door squeaked as I pushed it opened. The cardigan I was wearing wasn't enough to keep me fully warm but I wasn't going far from the house.

Looking up at the stars always calmed me, it made me feel at peace in my mind again, kept me from thinking of him. He  seemed to always pop up in my thoughts though, like a rash you can never get rid of.

"Now you'll see what bad kitten's deserve."

The words he always said continued to play in my mind, his voice rang through my ears, I shook my head to get it out of my head. I took one final heavy sigh and turned to go back into the house.

"You look better."

My eyes widened and my breath hitched, shaking from fear and not the cold was something that seemed more unusual to me. Those deep brown eyes almost seemed black as he smirked at me, my hands gripped my cardigan closer around my chest. How? How did he find me? Why was he here? Where were the others?

"You look as white as a ghost darling? What? Not happy to see Daddy " I wanted to scream, to yell toward the others, but I couldn't find it in me. 

His smirk vanished and his eyes darkened even further, if that was possible, "you were a ever bad little girl Xea, I think Daddy needs to remind you what it means to break the rules."

He was so fast that when I finally tried to cry out his hand was over my mouth and I was no longer able to call for help, then I passed out.

Vanessa's P.O.V.

"Lookie Mommy!" Kyle stated happily as he showed me that he was all dressed for bed.

I smiled at him and Fray as I pulled on one of Fray's T-shirts to sleep in. Though my gaze went to our window that faced the backyard, she was still outside. I didn't aprove of her going out there by herself, but to help her with her coping we were supposed to let her have her space. Grayson can see the porch where his study was, so if something was wrong he would know and stop it right away.

"Xea's not in here?" Grayson asked walking in.

"No? She's not on the porch?" Fray inquired with concern.

"No I thought she came back in, I looked up from my paperwork and she was gone."

We walked out to the bathroom and she wasn't there, checking everywhere we didn't see her, even on the playset outside, the swings were her favorite. My heart began to speed up and my mind raced with a million thoughts of what she had done, then the one thing that I didn't expect, ran through my mind.


Xea's P.O.V.

Fluttering my eyes open I felt my body ache in the worst way, it seemed as if I hadn't slept well, looking around I could see why. I was dangling from the ceiling in my tank top and underwear, I tried not to let out a whimper, or let the chains rattle as I wiggled.

"You can move all you want to kitten, you aren't going anywhere" his voice chuckled around me.

No, no this can't be happening, why was this happening? Where were the others? I began crying before I could stop myself and it seemed to only make him laugh at me.

"Why are you crying? Hm? What didn't you miss your daddy? "

"You're not my daddy!" I found myself shouting at him.

The loudest crack went through the room causing me to flinch and whimper, he didn't like those words.

"Do NOT talk back to me kitten, I thought we went over this last time, I see your backs healed, but the lesson didn't stick. Shame" I heard him walking as I couldn't see him behind me.

He came into view and he was fully clothes, a tight black shirt that seemed to hug every inch of his torso, a pair of fitted black jeans secured with a belt, and a pair of black converse. He reminded me of Fray with the clothes he was wearing, which only made this situation that much worse. Fray said he wouldn't let this ever happen again, and here it was, happening again, even Vanessa and Kyle had promised all of this would just be a memory.

"Awe what's the matter kitten? You're crying" he seemed to taunt. "They won't find you this time, you're mine, just like you always should have been."

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