Chapter 17

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Xea's P.O.V.

I was currently on the couch with Daddy watching Paw Patrol. It had been a lazy day for the two of us while Mommy and Kyle were at school. Daddy's hand was lightly playing with my hair as I laid on his chest. It had been nice just the two of us. Very calm being in our new house without the bell going off every now and again.

"Daddy, medicine" I said as my back began to tingle with a slight bit of pain.

He looked at his phone for a moment and frowned, "sorry princess you got another hour before you can take some more."

I pouted and gave him my best puppy dog eyes, "please daddy."

He sighed sadly, "how about this, wanna play to make the time go by faster?"

I smiled brightly, "daddy play wif?"

He smiled, "of course princess."

I got off his chest and waited for him to stand and pick me up. He took me to mine and Kyle's room to our toy box. I pulled out a few toys, trucks, barbies, blocks, etc. and daddy sat next to me.

We built a small city with the blocks and made the barbies giants to destroy the city. I was giggling and having a lot of fun as we played together. Daddy was right though, time flew by and the hour was up and I could take my medicine. The burning had increased as time moved on while we played. Though I didn't even notice as I was having to much fun with Daddy.

After I took my medicine it was nap time, and I was ready for a nap. Daddy laid me in my crib gently and kissed my forehead. Before I knew it I was asleep.

Fray's P.O.V.

I smiled happily down at her as she slept, I felt bad she was still in pain. I wanted to take all her pain away. Make her feel better and feel safe. I thought about our conversation this morning and my heart ached as she went into more detail.

"I feel dirty, like everything that happened wasn't supposed to happen. He touched me in such a way that made me feel like I wasn't worth it. Like every breath I took, and take, is a waste."

Vanessa told me not to take it personally, something that's easier said than done. She was my baby girl and he hurt her to the point she doesn't even like herself anymore. I wanted to slit his throat and leave him in a ditch, though I was threatened with sleeping in a cage for a month if I did that.

I sighed as I slumped on the couch and grabbed my laptop. I had school work still, that was the only thing that sucked about being a Daddy. Daddy's and Mommy's still had homework even if they were sick, Littles did not.

I signed in and started on a paper that was due by tonight. I had been procrastinating on doing it because I hate essays. Though an essay on after care isn't hard for me. I'm big on after care. A text on my phone interrupted me though.

V- hey headed back early, Kyle's running a fever.
Me- oh poor baby boy, is he okay?
V- nurse thinks it's just the flu
Me- oh dang should we move Xea into our room?
V- that's what I was thinking.

I sent a simple agreement text and got to work on my essay. Kyle was never pleasant when he was sick, and he normally wanted to cuddle with me. Writing about after care was easier than doing it. Because something you get those little snags in after care when the little just wants to be alone, which is a big no.

Right as I finished my essay and sent it in Vanessa brought in a fussy Kyle. He was whining and calling out for me as she carried him in. I shut my laptop and moved it aside as she set him in my lap. The instant my arms were wrapped around him he stopped fussing. He stuck his thumb in his mouth and nuzzled my neck.

I pulled his thumb from his mouth as Vanessa handed me his pacifier and a thermometer. I stuck the thermometer in first to take his temperature. He hated it but he needed it to be done. As it beeped Vanessa took it from his mouth inspecting it while I gave him his pacifier.

"102 flat, I'll get the Tylenol" Vanessa mentioned as she turned away.

I pat Kyle's head as he lightly purred into my neck. The soft vibration of his light purring made me slightly shiver. Fuck he always did this when he was sick, I knew it was t on purpose but it still made me tingle.

After he took the medicine I laid him down on the couch to nap to not wake Xea in her crib. I went to Vanessa in our room as she frustratedly moved things around. I felt gross for what I was about to ask her but she'd make me ask if I didn't do it anyway.

"V I have a slight problem I need help with" I told her stopping her from what she was doing.

She turned and looked at me then slightly smirked, "what happened?"

I blushed, "Kyle was purring..."

She smiled, "ah it gets me too, the best feeling in the world. By help I assume you just mean permission to handle it correct?"

I nodded I really didn't want to go into full detail of what I wanted. Truth was I wanted Vanessa, and Xea, and Kyle to help but at this point we didn't have consent for it.

"Fine, just this once, next time it'll be a no. No one is allowed to touch themselves unless I am there to help. I'll go cuddle with Kyle while you fix your" she smirked down at my pants, "problem."

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