Chapter 16

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Xea's P.O.V.

I woke up suddenly as sweat dropped down my body and my breathing was heavy. Instantly my hand went to rub at my neck where I felt his hands on me. Just a dream...

It was just a dream, I thought as I looked around mine and Kyle's new room. The small Vampirina night light giving me an easier time to look around.

I wasn't surprised it was another nightmare, though I had hoped they would slow down. I looked at the clock on the nightstand across the room. It was two am, Mommy and Daddy are probably still asleep. I could also hear Kyle's soft snores coming from his crib.

I rubbed my face again before standing gingerly in my crib. I reached outside my crib, against my better judgement, and unlocked the side. Letting it fall to the floor with a gentle thud. Kyle only stirred but didn't wake, so I climbed down and exited our bedroom. I quietly walked to Mommy and Daddy's room. Like I had expected they were asleep.

I went to the living room and sat down on the couch, before lacing my fingers in my hair. What was I going to do? I couldn't tell Mommy and Daddy, they'd worry to much. Kyle's been helping but I don't know if he can take much more lying to Mommy. I tugged lightly at my hair while small tears started to roll down my cheeks.

My mind was starting to feel like everything was collapsing. My whole word was crumbling around me and I had no idea how to fix it. What he did to me, how he did it to me. It was never going away, and I knew it.



"Well I'm going to teach you that manners need to be used at all times."

As a cat o' nine tail was gripped in his hand I could feel my heart speed up. What was I going to do to get out of this? He swung it through the air once letting it crack down on his dresser making me jump.

Before I could react he forced me up on my feet before pushing me against a bondage cross. I tried to yell out but I couldn't find my words or my voice. He began undressing me despite my struggling. Clasping my wrists and ankles to the cross with ease. My face was wet with tears and hot from the fight.

"Now now, if you keep struggling pet I'll have to add more than just the whipping" he purred as he pet my face slightly.

I jerked away from his touch, something that only seemed to anger him more. He walked back around to be behind me, I let my head fall as I knew what was going to happen.


A small squeal along with pulling at the restraints came from me. He only laughed and continued.


I cried out slightly louder this time, making him tangle his fingers in my hair and pull my head back against his chest.

"You better keep it down kitten don't want to scare the others" he warned.

I silently cried as he continued his assault on my back. Each one getting harder and more painful. Then I started to feel liquid dripping down my back to my legs. I was bleeding, I was going to die by this mans hand.


"Oliver dude class starts in like five minutes, let's go!" A male voice yelled on the other side of his dorm door.

"I'll catch up! Go on without me!" He shouted back.

Then he was touching me, all over me. His hand cupped my princess parts and his mouth got close to my ear.

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