Chapter 21

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After lunch we all went back to class, as Kyle and I sat back down I felt more confident than I had went I first walked in this morning. The teacher came back in and greeted us with a warm smile.

"Alright everyone, back on the subject of regression. Can anyone tell me the three different levels of regression?" He asked.

Everyone's hands shot up something that hasn't ever happened. Most of the time we were all to regressed to even pay much attention.

"Kyle why don't you tell us."

He smiled, "infant, little and middle."

Our teacher smiled, "correct! Now, can anyone tell me why you were placed in this classroom?"

No one's hand went up this time, and our teacher lightly chuckled.

"This class is for you're specific little age group. Everyone regresses differently, and everyone's ages are different. Therefore to keep everyone learning at their own pace, we divide you. Same goes for your Mommy and Daddy's. They go to a class that incorporates their littles age. As well as what their little is also into. Such as ABDL, dominants go to classes to help them better learn to care and understand an ABDL. Make sense?"

We all agreed and I found this class to be very well informative now that I was actually paying attention. The teacher continued.

"Now can anyone tell me what ABDL stands for?"

Again everyone's hand shot up, he called on another girl in class.

"It stands for adult baby diaper lover."

"Correct, for some this is a way to help then regress properly, others its it's a comfort item. Almost like a stuffie or paci. Some people actually use them others just wear them for show."

As we were on the topic I had noticed finally that I hadn't been wearing any of mine. I loved wearing them, though for some reason I hadn't worn any since I got to school.

"Xea you aren't paying attention sweetie" our teacher commented pulling me from my thoughts.

I apologized in hopes he would leave it alone but he pressed.

"Are you okay? Do I need to call for Fray or Vanessa?"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, no bed to bring them all the way down here."

His eyebrows went up in shock at my attitude, I was surprise myself. Then his eyes narrowed at me.

"Xea that is not very nice, I was just asking in concern of resent events."

"Yeah and it's what everyone is talking about, it happened I'm fine let's just leave it at that."

I had no idea what had come over me to act like this but it was like word vomit. Our teacher grew angry and went to his desk dialing a number, no doubt it was Fray.

"Yes I need Fray or Vanessa to come to my class room and retrieve one of their littles. Yes thank you."

When he hung up he pointed to his door, I sighed and stood gathering everything before walking out the door. I wanted to disappear, I felt so angry all of a sudden. Like this wasn't my fault, I just didn't want to talk about it or be there center of attention. The whole thing irritated me, as well as the fact I got in trouble because I didn't want to talk about it.

"Xea?" I heard Mommy's voice question down the hall.

I looked up to find her and Daddy birth walking this way. I felt even angrier now, he had pulled them both from class just to come get me? When they reached me Mommy knocked on the door, our teacher cane out to have a word with them.

"I expected this behavior from some of the other littles, not Xea. Talking back, attitude, not paying attention. I understand what happened is hard, and she's coping the best she can, but I will not tolerate the disrespect."

I kept my eyes on the floor as he spoke, Daddy was next to me and I could feel his disappointment. Mommy thanked him and asked if Kyle could be dismissed as well since the dominant class had already finished. Once Kyle was out of class Mommy gripped my upper arm tightly. Causing a small whimper to escape my lips.

"I can not believe you" she began. "You were doing so well at the beginning of the day. Then what happened? Lose all meaning of the word respect?"

I kept my mouth shut knowing if I opened it I'd only smart off and get myself in more trouble. It want until we arrived at the office that I had realized where we were going. As we entered Iris's office I shrank even more.

"Classes aren't over yet, why are you here?" She demanded.

"Dominants finished early, we were called because someone was being rude in class" Mommy spoke before her eyes landed on me.

Iris looked up at me as well with a raised eyebrow, "on your first day back?"

I kept my eyes cast down and didn't respond knowing full well the situation I was in.

"In her defense, she only spaced out for a moment" Kyle spoke up quietly.

All eyes landed on him, he slightly shrank but continued.

"We were talking about ABDL and a break in the conversation happened, that's when she spaced out. He caught it and thought she was spacing out the whole time. She even tried answering a few questions, but he called on others. She wasn't trying to be rude, she just found it slightly irritating hew assumed she wasn't paying attention."

He was defending me, like an actual sibling would do. It warmed my heart though wasn't very effective.

"That doesn't excuse her behavior Kyle" Iris was the one to speak up. "You all know the rules and expectations of this school. Attitude given to a teacher is a very big no no, you've done it before and what happened then?"

I visibly saw Kyle shutter, "gots in trouble."

Iris made a humming sound, "you got your butt busted, grounded and what did Mommy make you wear?"

Kyle blushed furiously and looked down whispering, "a plug."

"For how long?"

He squeezed his eyes shut, "four days."

I was floored to say the least, four days? And got spankings and grounded?

Then attention was back on me, my eyes stayed glued to the floor.

"Well V what should we do?" Daddy asked.

Mommy thought for a moment before answering him, "well she's definitely grounded, I'm not sure what else we can do. Her back isn't healed enough for a spanking, and she hasn't consented to any form of sexual punishment. So our options are limited."

It was silent for a moment before Iris spoke up, "now this is just a suggestion but your father and I used to use isolation. School and room only, we brought meals and allowed bathroom time."

Mommy contemplated, "no that was when dad was a submissive not a little. Though I think writing lines will do for now until I can think of something."

Soon after the bell rang indicating school was over, Iris drove us all home before returning to finish paperwork. I was sent to a corner while everyone got out of their uniforms. Mommy sat me down at the kitchen table with four sheets of paper and a pen. Pen meant if I messed up at any time I'd have to start over. At the top of the first page written in Mommy's hands writing was "I will be respectful."

"Write it until you have filled all four pages, understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

I then began the long stupid process of writing the line, over and over again.

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