Chapter 18

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Four years ago

Kyle's P.O.V.

"Kyle pumpkin can you come here please?" I heard my mother call out to me.

I sighed and set my Xbox controller down before standing and going down stairs. My mother was in the kitchen with her wife and they seemed to be worried.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked not really wanting to be around the two.

Jessica, my moms wife, set out one of my pacifiers, a diaper, and one of my stuffies. I was surprised yet angry, they went through my stuff.

"Sweetheart we are concerned about this" my mother spoke.

Jessica scoffed, "you are a little pussy, where the fuck did you get these? You're a fucking boy Kyle! Do I need to take you to the gym more often? Boot camp? Military school!? What the fuck is this crap!?"

I clenched my fists and looked down at my feet. I was wearing basketball shorts and a wife beater. I had athletic socks on and my hair was short and cut like a Marine. Jessica made me dress this way, because I was a boy I couldn't show weakness in her eyes.

"Answer me boy!"

"Hunny please we are only-"

"What!? You're only concerned that your son is a freak!? Just because I'm a boy doesn't mean I can't have a soft side! Dad wouldn't have asked questions like this! He would have understood! He wouldn't-"


I clenched my jaw at the sting in my cheek while holding back tears in my eyes.

"Don't you ever, shout at your mother that way you ungrateful piece of shit!" Jessica yelled at me.

I turned on my heels and left the kitchen, proceeding back to my room and packing my things. I dialed my fathers phone as I packed.

"Hey bud what's up?" He answered after two rings.

"Can you come pick me up? I wanna live with you" I asked through a few stray tears.

His voice became concerned, "Kyle what's wrong? What happened?"

"Please come get me and I'll explain."

He agreed and we hung up the phone. I packed everything I could carry. I especially packed my pacifiers and diapers and a few important stuffies. As I dragged both my suitcases down stairs my mother and her wife were still in the kitchen.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jessica seethed.

I grabbed my things off the island and glared her in face, "to live with my dad, someone who actually loves me."

I then left the house to see my dad pulling up. I put my suitcases in the back seat and got in the front before he started to drive. I told him the whole story as we drove and he listened to everything. When I finished he smiled at me.

"Son I'm so proud of you for telling me, but if I'm honest I don't quite understand it. Though I am willing to learn more about it if you'll reach me?"

I let tears fall from my eyes as I hugged my dad across the consul in the car.

Six months later

"No, Kyle you know better" my dad scolded as I was trying to get my sippy cup from the cupboard.

I pouted but let him grab it for me, "hey I want to show you something I found online, I think you'll love it."

My dad had been so helpful since I told him about my little side. If I was ever in little space he acted as my caregiver, to him it wasn't that hard since I was his son. Though the diapers he wasn't comfortable with, which I understood and only wore them when he was gone. He bought me a crib and stuffies, and adult bottles and everything. He even educated himself on what DDLG was just to make me feel more comfortable.

We walked over to his desk and he showed me a website that looked like a school. I read it closely and my eyes widened and I smiled.

"Oh my gosh really!?" I shouted with happiness.

My dad tutted and gave me a stern look, "inside voice, but yes, I thought maybe you could apply and see how well it goes? It's all donation based as well, and I thought that maybe if you got in, I'd help out by donating as well."

I smiled and hugged my dad tightly, "oh thank you so much!!!"

He smiled and let me fill out the application by myself. He was about as excited as I was. It had been nice to be openly abnormal. My mother hadn't even tried to call me since I left, I didn't care though. Dad was always more accepting than my mom was, which is surprising seeing as Dad is straight and mom isn't.

After filling out the application I smiled and clicked submit. It would be so amazing to get accepted into a DDLG Academy. Maybe I could find a Mommy, or a Daddy, I'm not picky but one or the other would work.

Two weeks later


My computer went off as I was playing Halo 4 on my Xbox. I paused the game and went to check it. It was an email, I squinted at it, an email from the academy!

"Dad come here!!" I yelled out to him happily.

I heard his footsteps before he appeared in my door way, "Kyle how many times-"

"It's an email from Domly" I interrupted.

He quickly came over to me as I began to read it out loud.

"Dear student,

I am please to inform you that you have been accepted into our Academy. Though I regret to inform you that we have an age requirement, you have another four months before your birthday. You may enroll in the next school year when you are eighteen.

Yours truly,
Mrs. Johnson."

I squealed happily and hugged my dad, oh my god!!! I can't wait until next term comes around, this is going to be fun!

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