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Y/N's pov:
Oh god the time literally flies just like in the blink of an eye. I literally can't believe I'm here standing and staring at a big building having nametag 'Bighit'. Oh gosh why am I getting so damn nervous. Control girl control!! Its nothing, u can do it. Lets just say my magical spell "Best in the universe Oh Minha."Yup this was the chant I used to always tell myself whenever I was nervous which my grandmother always said to encourage me. After taking a deep breath I went inside the building and towards the auditorium where the audition was being held.
I was trying so hard to gather myself up but ofcourse I was far more than just nervous. I don't know where that confident Minha from a while ago went to. But still I tried to hide my nervousness and act cool.
Bang pd-nim ,Manager-nims and the entire crew of Bighit were present there for the audition round.
When the auditions started my eyes started widening so much after each of the performance that I felt like it would come out of my eye shockets.Damn everyone were so very great.After each and every performance I felt the bar of the competition shifting even more higher.I even thought once to back off and return back home but that would be such a waste so I collected myself up.The performances were taking place and my turn was nearing at the speed of light. I was just praying to all the almighty gods whom I remembered to not make myself regret my decision. And finally the time which I wanted to farthen even more came up.It was now my turn for the show. I thought abt all the hardships that I had gone through in these months and why I came here to Seoul.After whispering sweet nothings to myself I was ready for the show.I now thought that let's just drop the beat now.
I came infront and greeted everyone very sincerely and then the track for'Bad boy' was played. As soon as the beat started I started following the choreography that I had worked so much on and started singing along with it.I danced and sung like it was my last and ofc it was because after that I would just have to continue with my usual life.
I gave my level best and to tell you the truth I did pretty well. I ended the performance gracefully and looked in the direction of pd-nim.He seemed to be satisfied but god knows what type of result is gonna come out. I told you before that I was more than nervous but for now I don't even have words at how nervous I am and how fast my heart is beating.Goddamit!! I awaited for the response and they started discussing about the final response to be given. They discussed a bit and to even increase my heart beat even more if that was possible I was asked to wait for some time. Others audition continued and till then I was too much impatient. Then the time came up for my result to be declared if I was entering the final round or not. Only 10 people were selected out of so many and the names were being called out.My heart started thumping up after each announcement and till then I had lost all my hope. But to my utmost surprise and delight I heard the announcement that I couldnot believe in one go "Oh minha you have now entered the final round ".I realized that tym what it means when it is said that the whole world starts spinning infront of your own eyes. I couldn't contain my happiness and I dont know how to express what I was feeling right now. I was feeling as if I captured the whole world in my small fist. It must have been my luckiest day.
There was short breaktime before the final round would begin.I was so nervous and excited that I hadn't peed ever since the morning tym and now literally the nature call was off my limits.If I wouldn't have gone to the restroom at the moment then a disaster could happen there. I was on my way to the restroom while I was checking my mobile and I saw numerous texts from my friends anticipating my result. I updated them abt my current situation and while I was totally engrossed in texting back, I bumped into someone's chest. All the papers fell down from that persons hand and even starbucks was spilled all over.I didn't look at the person I had created disaster for and I started apologising for 'n' number of times while picking up the papers. When I picked them up and stood straight I literally couldnot believe my eyes what I was seeing infront of me right now. He was the same person whom I had always adored on screens, whose pictures had covered almost all the space in the walls of my room and the only person that I wanted to see once in my life. My ultimate bias: Jeon jungkook.God is seriously planning to give me a heart attack today bt ofc this was not a pleasant first tym meet for both of us. I jst hope he doesnot get angry for godsake tho my act is literally to be scolded.😆

Jungkook's pov:
BTS were told to judge this final round along with whole crew and I was going along the hallway eyeing throught the list of finalists when a certain person bumped into my chest.As I had starbucks in one hand and the papers on other, all of them fell on the floor spilling starbucks even on my clothes. Oh god what a great way to start a day. So great just wow!! This some certain girl infront of me was apologising for like uncountable times bt still I can't take her apology because the people that I hate the most in the world are clumsy people except RM hyung. I love him though and he is an exception.Except him there isn't any clumsy people that I like. Ofc I can't be feeling good at this situation because this person has literally spilled my precious starbucks that too all over my clothes bt then I can't be angry at just some random personCan I?. I have to act professional . She picked up all the papers and handed it over to me .When she looked at me her eyes widened.I found that reaction very cute. Wait!!what !Did I just call a stranger cute who has jst ruined my day. Today's day is literally something. God knows. She again apologised and I gave her a reassuring smile that everything was fine. Mentally I rolled my eyes and I was just acting professional at the moment. Her eyes were still wide open and her mouth agape. Oh god she can literally stare for like whole day. Just escape jungkook hurry I said to myself. "Ah, I have a schedule now, I must leave.Nice to meet you. Have a good day."I said to her mentally rolling my eyes again thinking that I'm wishing good day for the person who just ruined mine. She apologised again and after saying her greetings she left in a hurry as well. I wonder why was she so hurried. Oh wait '_' why do I even care," Lets go get a new dress Jungkook khaja!!"
I went up and changed my dress. My hyungs were all waiting for me and they asked me the reason behind me being late. I just casually replied. We started looking over the performers and I must say I was quite fascinated bt then a next performer caught my eyes. She looked a bit familiar. Wait is she the same girl!! This day can't get even more better than this now. Like literally!!I must make sure she doesnot get chance to enter in Bighit. I don't know why!!I just don't like her 😒

A/N's notes:
Hey guys so what do you think? Will Minha be able to enter Bighit or not. Will jungkook's thought of not letting her in would work? Well all ur questions are gonna be answered in the next chapter so stay tuned!!😉 luvluv❤

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