Long day

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Jimin's pov:
I knew something was wrong with our maknae that he was behaving so differently whenever he was around Minha and that was the thing to find out like why in the world is he acting so inconsiderate towards her. He was always a warm and a ever so enjoying extrovert person but today he didn't seem at all like his usual self.He was acting as if he was a cold person and we all know he is not.Lets check on our maknae whats going on.Khaja!!O thought. I was going through the hallway and I heard a loud sigh with a frustrated groan and I could sense easily that it was of our maknae.I hurriedly went up to his room and I could notice many foldings on his forehead indicating that he was having a hard tym. I slowly went up to him aware about not to scare him and I was kinda succesful because he looked up at me the second I entered. I told" Uri maknae!! What's wrong with you? There is something thats troubling you whenever you are around Minha and don't even think of denying the fact cause ur hyung can read you up very nicely and I'm so damn sure that something is there that has made me feel like you are not the real you." Jungkook sighed again and replied" Ne hyung, I am not behaving well with her and around her.I know I should not be connecting my past with the present but I really can't help it out. She behaved a bit like a clumsy person at our first meeting and you know the reason right why I get worked up by the people who are clumsy .Ugh hyung I'm already trusfated lets not talk abt her. " I nodded my head answering"Firstly!!It's frustrated jungkook and yeah I can understand that what happened in the past was wrong but because of someone's else fault you cannot be putting the blame on her right?"He sighed again and nodded and I knew that it was not easy for him to forget the past.I gave him some encouraging words and went towards my room feeling a bit bad for Minha because she is getting the blame for someone's else fault.I donno when will he be able to forget his past.
Jungkook's pov:
I got a bit sad after talking with Jimin hyung as my memories of the past got fresh so I was walking through the hall way to get some fresh air.While I was walking I heard someone squealing and dancing in one of the room.I got curious to who was the owner of the noise and I peeked through the open door and till then I had forgotten that she was staying with us. She was rejoicing upon her selection and dancing and jumping like a child which looked kinda cute. Ugh no no jungkook she is not cute did u get it!! Oh wait shouldn't I be leaving. I have started being sneaky looking at a girls room.I was about to leave the place when I heard a loud thump and a cry of pain. Wait !! What!! Did she just fall and hurt herself.I have to go and help her but then I don't want to help her. I really dislike her.Ugh but it will look like I have lost humanity if I leave her in this state .I should help her out no matter what!! I kept fighting with my brain and heart and finally heart won.Without second thought I barged into her room.She was so concentrated in her wound and pain that she didn't even notice my arrival.I quietly went to the bathroom to get a first aid kit.Even when I returned she was still sobbing silently.I felt really bad for her but no I can't treat her nicely.I just can't.But for now I must do something.It is just because she is my hoobae .Yes jungkook isn't it?Yes yes it is like that.By convincing myself I went towards her and fake coughed.That time only she got aware of my presence and looked up .Her eyes were red of crying and her leg was bleeding.I acted as if I didn'tcare and without sparing her a glance I gave her the firstaid kit and I coldly said"Take care of yourself.You are here on the first day and you have started getting injured.Is this how you are gonna act professional on stage?Just grow up from your clumsy self will you!! and apply yourself some medicine.If you need other help you can just give a call to the manager.You have to grow strong so stop crying and start working hard from tommorrow.I expect you to not make us disappointed "She nodded her head still in daze.I was about to leave but then she called me and gave me a cute smile stating "Jungkook oppa. Thank you so much. I really felt touched." I did feel good when she smiled but then I said"Oppa!!??Who gave you the permission to call me oppa just call me sunbae-nim and also don't think that I care abt you so I took care of you.I was just passing by and I heard someone crying bitterly so I stopped by and also stop wasting time on thanking me,your sheets are getting coloured by blood.Take care of it first."Yeah yeah I'm back.I really wanna talk to her nicely but I really can't. She just keeps on proving her clumsy self.Whatever, Wait umm!! where was I headed to.Oh yeah I remember garden.Khaja!!I tried forgetting abt her and went to the garden.There I tried my level best to divert my mind on all sorts of things but my mind kept wandering to her worried if she could aid her wound or not."Ugh!! Shincha!I must had done that myself .I hope she can do it.But she is still like a child.I should inform her manager abt this may be she will take care of her.I told noona her state and she hurriedly went to take care of her.I also requested noona to not tell Minha that I told abt her state to her and she agreed.Finally I could relax in a deep sleep.Oh it's a long day.
Oh minha's pov:
I was so happy that I had got selected that I started dancing and it was my habit of dancing and rejoicing if anything good happened from the tym when I was just a kid.While I was dancing I slammed on the wall and fell to the ground. I had made a big wound in my feet and I could focus on nothing else but the unbearable pain.I was thinking abt whom to call at this hour but suddenly I heard somone coughing and a first aid kit box was passed to me.I eyed the person and my eyes softened at his sight.Tho he was not looking at me but at some part of my heart I felt so contented.He told me to apply it in a rather cold tone but still I felt warm as he did take care of me.Sides of my lips were curving on their own even when I tried to control it and I felt really happy. I took the box from his hand and he told me not to expect anything coz he was just passing by.His cold tone did pinch my heart a bit, just a little bit but then I acted all fine and still I felt great. He told me not to call him oppa but I can still call him that in my thoughts.When oppa left I couldnot apply medicine because it was paining so hard but after a while manager unnie came and applied it for me. I am getting so damn lucky today.I then went to sleep .Ugh it was a long day.

The next day:
I got up early and washed myself up tho my feet was stinging like hell. I was wearing a plain black adidas leggings paired up with a white croptop in the breakfast and today BTS and me were going to eat togther.I was still limping on my legs and I went to the dining area.I found them already seated.I carefully went up there and smiled enthusiastically stating" Oppas goodmorning and also good morning to you too SUNBAE-NIM" I gave those words a lot of emphasis and greeted him.Everyone greeted me back along with Jimin oppa with his eye smile but then bursted out laughing as I only called Jungkook oppa sunbae-nim. He mockingly said "Yah !! Minhayah why are you calling jungkook, sunbae you can just call him oppa." " He asked me to do that oppa!!" I replied with a mischevious grin.Everyone bursted into fits of laughter except Jungkook ofc.He felt a bit uncomfortable. Then yoongi oppa hurriedly asked" Yah Minha what's wrong with ur leg.Why are you limping?" "Ahmm..Oppa that..I was uhmm..." "She fell down from the stair", One whose voice I rarely hear when I'm around spoke.It was jungkookie oppa or jungkook sunbaenim .I mentally laughed abt it but wait did he just save me from embarrassment.Hey you ,fangirl heart.Stop beating so much. I felt warm again." How do you know kook?"Tae oppa asked a bit mischieviously and he stuttered ,aigoo uri jungkookie oppa^.^He said I was told by her manager." And why just you?" Jimine oppa said wiggling his brows. Everyone was pulling his legs and it was quite a fun scene to watch .Jungkook oppa knitted his eyebrows and said"Can we have breakfast or not? Please let me eat in peace for once" Everyone laughed again and I joined there to eat too. We finished with our food and and I thought that I should start practising as a trainee. My feet was movable and I could practice so I went up to the  dance room and my teacher came there to teach me some basics.She taught me for abt two hours then I started practising on my own.So yeah my story as a bighit trainee has begun.I am ready to take up all the challenges.
A/n's pov:
Okay guys! We are on our sixth chapter and I would love to thank each and every reader of mine who encourage me to write something good and I would also request you to please do vote on my chapters and also as I mentioned earlier that there is a deep cause for Jungkook to dislike clumsy personality.Finally Minha has begun her journey as a trainee. I hope you all are excited for this. Sending you all virtual hugs from here.Till then luvluv❤❤

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