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Y/n's pov:
I kept practicising for a whole week without resting much.All the BTS members were telling me to take rest but then I didn't want to fail in any of their expectations from my side.So, I kept on working all day and night.My wound had completely healed and I was taken good care by BTS along with bighit. It had been weeks since I last talked to my friends because I had handed over my cell phone to the company and also I was really focused on practising to be a perfect trainee.As the weeks passed by I started feeling a bit home sick cause I had non of my kins here in Korea.Yeah Bighit family had given me a lot of love and care but still I was missing my motherland and my friends .As I said earlier I have not much got connection with my parents and I'm used to living on my own and that is the reason why I was more close with my friends.I missed them, our laughter together, our little gossips and the game we played together.I started missing each and everything.I was in my dance room and I leaned down the wall and brought my knees to my face and started crying out as I felt too low that day.I kept crying saying that I literally miss my friends and I can't contact them but little did I know that there was someone watching me from a far sight.
Jungkook's pov :
I was going for my practice as we are gonna have our comeback soon.I was passing by the dance rooms when I saw Minha practicing really very hard.I was kinda satisfied that we didn't select the wrong person but then suddenly she started crying out loud stating she was missing her kins.I could sense the pain she was feeling of being homesick but then I didn't wanted to help her.Not in her conscience atleast.I thought"Oh god why am I the only one who keeps seeing her in a troubled state.Can't I just live in peace.I don't wanna worry abt her even a bit but here I am wondering what can I do in a situation like this.Oh god why can't I hate her completely when I totally loathe clumsy people.This girl shincha!!Ugh !!!ottuke"I really wanted to escape what I just saw but her pitiful sight kept coming in my head.I went to Yoongi hyung after the practice being all frustrated with these random thoughts.He is the only one who gives me the most thoughtful suggestions but I just hope he is not sleeping because he becomes a monster if he is waken up.I went to Yoongi hyung's room and found that he was working on his music.I was glad he wasn't sleeping.I knocked on the door and he gave me an approval to come in.I went inside and he was happy to see me there .He asked"Kookie wassup!!You look a bit disturbed!!Is everything fine ?Are you sick?" Ohh this is why I love my hyungs so much.They just can read me even without a word. I'm so damn lucky."Ne hyung" and after that I explained the whole story to him about Minha.He quickly understood what she was feeling and he assured me that he would help her in anyway possible.I went to my dorm relaxed that I could indirectly help her.I donno why I keep entangling myself in her problems."Ug whatever,Molla."

Min yoongi's pov:
I thoroughly heard each and every word of our maknae and I was glad to know that he still had a soft spot for Minha.She is really a sweet girl.And I felt really bad hearing that she was feeling nostalgic without her friends but then at the same time a really wonderful idea popped in my head.I know now how to make her smile like usual.She is just like a small sister to me .I can't let her be sad.I must do something.Lets get started.

Minha's pov:
I was still on my practice room.
(Minha was wearing this dress to the practice)

But I was called on our conference room saying that an emergency meeting was held for all the Bighit members

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But I was called on our conference room saying that an emergency meeting was held for all the Bighit members.It was my first tym attending a meeting so I was bit inquisitive about how it would be like.I attended the conference hall but I didn't find a single soul present over there.The hall was empty and the lights were dimmed to the lowest too.I was bit nervous whether I took the directions correctly or not, was I in the right room or not and why in the world was I so early. The door opened and I got a bit startled by the sudden noise.I turned around and found out that whole BTS members were entering with a very serious vibe around them unlike their usul selves.I was happy to see them after long but a bit confused by their weird expressionless faces!!I shrugged the thought off.I greeted each one warmly and Bang ajjhusi entered with the same face as well.I was even more confused now, why in the world would everyone be serious like that.It's creeping me out.Oh god !!I hope it's nothing bad and lets cross our fingers that I didn't screw up this tym.
Ajhussi finally entered the room and said in a very different tone which sounded kinda angry.I got even more terrified.I was gulping and sweating the whole tym because I was so damn nervous.Oh god save me.I'm trying.I really am.Ahhh ottuke!!I said mentally whining in my head.
He started" I have paid a keen attention to each and every Bighit members these past weeks. Most of you were doing good but some were not and I'm quite disappointed with some of them." By this time I had completely supposed that he was talking abt me as I was the only newcomer present over there. But still I was praying in my little heart for myself to not become a victim.I thought I was working hard but may be Bighit wanted a next level trainee; these were the thoughts running in my mind at that tym but I tried really hard to shrug it off.I was getting very nervous each second as I felt the air around me getting dense and hard to breath.I could feel myself sweating.He again continued looking at my direction and that moment I knew I screwed up.He said" By over viewing your performance since past weeks we saw your effort but still you are lagging behind in many sectors. I think I have to train you well and make you feel the real side of the K-Pop world.What say Minha? I'm right to do it or not?"
"Ne ajjhusi!! I am ready to face all the consequences that I have to. I can completely understand that I'm still not meeting everyone's expectations and I will try my best for it.I will face all sorts of situations thrown towards me."Bang pd-nim nodded his head in understanding. He told me then " I appreciate what you said.For that I've brought some people to tame you.Close ur eyes and turn your back Minha." He said in a commanding voice and I obliged.To tell you the truth I was so damn nervous of who could the person be and what sorts of training would I get!!Oh god!! Save this poor soul.
A/n's pov:
Hello everyone!!Writing this has been one of the most fun thing for me nowadays.Chapters are basically automatically typed from my fingers and I just oblige.Also again I like to thank all the readers 💜and also please do comment too so I can thank all of you individually.So peeps  who do you think is gonna come?What sort of things are these people gonna do.So do keep updated to know abt it all.Till then Luvluv❤

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