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I was having very bad cramps so I was laying on the bed all day long. Jungkook came into my room time to time to give me some hot soup and medicines. He also heated the water for hot water bag and gave it to me. I felt like crying because of his genuine care because ever since I was a child there was no one to take care of me as my parents were always busy and not home and also I was the only sibling. My childhood friend Franklyn was there for me at times and he used to take care of me a lot. I remembered him when Jungkook was taking care of me but he changed completely afterwards. He was so nice to me that I even fell in love with him and he was my ex-boyfriend but ever since we got in a relationship he changed completely.  He started to be an over possessive person and even if he saw me with any of my guy friend he used to beat that person as well as torture me to hell. I had fainted many times due to his tortures.Even though he used to treat me like a shit I used to still like him,  but one day I found him cheating at me with a girl. My heart shattered into pieces. I had sacrificed everything for him and here he was having another girl behind my back. I thought that after that I won't be able to like anyone but BTS came into my life and I started to stan them. They were the only men in my life. Even though it was just imaginative at the past I never got along with any of the other guys. He stopped troubling me and I used to see him with a different girl every week in the roads. I got literally disgusted at my own choice.
I was deep in my thoughts when Jungkook found out that I was out of trance so he snapped his fingers infront of my face and I got out of my trance.
"What were you thinking all along? You seemed to be lost in your own chain of thoughts."
"Ah aniya oppa.I was just thinking that noone has cared for me this way and I'm feeling very touched right now. Sorry for showing my unhealthy side to you and for the all the inconvienience."
"Yah it is completely fine okay. Don't worry abt it. Till now I was the only one taken care of always,since I was the maknae , so I feel glad right now that I could take care of someone else as well." He said with a genuine smile and I mirrored it.
"But didn't your parents take care of you?" He asked.
" Umm they did whenever they could but they were mostly abroad so they weren't there when I needed them" I said sounding gloomy.
"Oh!!Don't worry now ,you have us. "
I smiled at him sweetly and nodded my head.
"Oh!! Minha. Actually I forgot to text my manager hyung for tommorrow's schedule . Do you have the screenshot of tommorrow's schedule?"He asked.
"Ahh Ne oppa. It's saved in the gallery of my phone. The pin is triple zero and 1. Here" I said handing over my phone.
He quickly took my phone and typed the pin and unlocked it. When I looked at him checking my phone I saw a shocked expression on his face which was replaced quickly by a smirk. I didn't know the reason for the change in his chain of reactions.
" Is anything wrong oppa?"
" Aniya nothing's wrong" He said stifling his laughter. I got skeptical abt his change in expressions. So I started thinking what I had in my gallery and a specific thing clicked in my mind. He could not have seen that right. Oh god I should have deleted that specific folder.Hopy crap!!I'm a dead meat now. He started laughing out loud and I was assured that he saw the same thing I had in my mind.
" Hmm hmm look what I got here.I didn't knew you liked me so much Minha that you have a whole folder of my photos. " He said smirkingat me.
" Ah aniya oppa. It was to send it to my friend.", And at that time I realized I couldn't even lie well. Ofcourse he didn't buy my lie at all.
" You could have deleted it after sending but you have kept it.So it only means one thing." He got silent fot some time acting all serious. I got curious as what it could mean and he said what I didn't expect at all "Minhayah likes jungkook" He said laughing at me in a mischievous tone.I simply rolled my eyes at his mischieviousness.
Ofcourse he was my ultimate bias so I had a bunch of collection of his pictures. My whole room had his and other BTS members photos around.If he would see it I can't be alive to see next days sun and also my phone's wallpaper was Jungkook's photo. Thankfully I had changed it a few days ago.
" I told you it was for my frie-..."
" Minhayah likes jungkook, Minhayah likes jungkook" He started singing intervening my sentence. I got annoyed and let him be.Thankfully he had a schedule right then so he had to leave but he didn't leave until he made all the blood flow towards my cheek making them red teasing me all he could.
I sighed deeply when he left. He had annoyed me so much that I had to get some fresh air to make myself cheerful so for that I went up to the terrace. The terrace was very big and there was some repairing work being done at one side of the terrace. I didn't much pay attention to who was there or what was happening. I went upto one side of the terrace and started humming my favourite song. The cool breeze was hitting my skin and it felt like being in heaven. My hair was swaying with the air.I was enjoying my 'me' time but suddenly I heard a loud thud behind my back. I turned around to see if anything was wrong or what was that noise. When I turned around I couldn't believe what I was viewing infront of my eyes. The same person who had been my nightmares and haunted me for a long time was right infront of my eyes. The person who made my sweat drop out from each and every part of my body. I started panicking and my whole body was trembling in fright. I didn't wanted him to show up ever in my life again and here he was. I turned around to run away but he was quick to hold my wrist and he didn't let me escape.
"Minha I really need to talk to you." was all I heard at the moment.
Jungkook's pov:
Wahh it was so much fun to tease her. She is daebak.I said laughing to myself at the thought of it again. But actually I felt really warm inside that she had kept a seperate folder of my pictures saved in her gallery. I don't know why but the second I saw my photo saved in her phone my heart started thumping in my chest. For some reason I do want to be close with her but I do not know the reason why it is that way. I donot feel much comfortable around anyone except my hyungs but with her I feel completely comfortable.It's strange how I used to dislike her so much at the past and now we get along so well.
I liked the way she used to blush everytime I used to tease her. She looked cute tho.Yah jungkook get a hold of yourself. Why are you thinking abt her so much.I just can't help it.I was abt to call my manager hyung to pick me up but when I took out the phone I realized that I had brought Minha's phone instead of mine.Oh what a stupid person I am. Now I have to go again to her room to fetch it but on the other hand it would be fun to tease her again.I thought smirking to myself . I was going towards her room but I heard a loud thud from the terrace. I didn't pay much interest to the noise because I thought that it must be the people repairing upstairs. I went upto her room but she was nowhere to be found. Even my phone was not there. She must have mistakely taken my phone thinking it was hers. I dialled the number but there was no response and then I remembered that my phone was on silent so she might not have noticed my call.But where could she have gone instead of resting. Somewhat I started to worry abt her .I called her manager noona to check if she was with her but she said Minha was in her room resting so she wasn't with her. I called all my hyungs but they hadn't seen her as well.I checked nearby rooms but she wasn't there. I just hope that she is fine right now.Minha where are you??
A/n's note:
Hey guys!! Thank you so much for reading the chapter. I get astonised each day by the number of views increasing and I'm thankful to each one of you.Just wanna say I heart you.
It really encourages me to right a next chapter.
So guys who do you think is with Mimha and will Jungkook be able to save her. Do vote and comment if you like this chapter.
Till then luvluv❤

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