Kind of an update.

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I'm sorry. I'm one of "those" authors. For the past weeks I have not had access to Wattpad. My most sincere apologies. I hope to soon have the Loki's son request up, so sorry for taking such a long time. In the meantime, enjoy this crack shot.

Peter tiptoed into the alley, being sure not to set off any of the booby traps. But just when he though he was safe, he tripped one. A catapult came up from the floor, covering his face in a perfect mask of clown paint. Off in the distance, his super hearing picked up someone breathily(who cares if it's not a word) saying "bLoOd ReD nAiLs On YoUr FiNgErTiPs... a ScHoOl BoYs DrEaM..."
(Can you name what that's from?)

Then he sneezed out one hundred tiny spiders ready to do his bidding and kill Peter's least favorite teacher.

The End

OMGOSH, I saw Endgame opening night, it was soooo good. I hyperventilated and felt very light headed. On and my nervous habit is snapping, so, a story. We got there early, the third family in line. A few mins later, literally 100 people lined up behind us. We were waiting for the group that was still inside the theaters to exit, so I was excitedly/nervously waiting. Cue nervous habit, I was snapping loudly in a hall full of Marvel Fans. No one reacted... At least so far as I know, lol. I was just thinking how tortured they must have been, lol. Well, I was certainly tortured, lol.


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