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I stared at the patten of swirls on my bedroom ceiling, listening to the heavy rain drops hitting my window. Ever since I was a little girl, the rain would calm me, the damp earth smell always seemed to pull me into a deep sleep. I hated summer, it was too hot, dry and I've always got burned. I prefer the cold, leaves turning colour and the crunching of snow underneath my feet.

I just watched the last episode of Gotham. To me, it was a disappointment. It seemed rushed, everything was bunched together. Too much had been left out. It upset me that they killed of jerome, but was happy that they used the same actor to play his twin brother jeremiah. In my opinion, they should of ended jeremiah falling into chemicals, and him coming back as the Joker in a new series.

The Joker, he is one of my favourite characters of all time from Cesar Romero, Mark Hamill, Jack Nickolson, heath ledger and jered leto.

I remember when I was a little girl, I hated the joker, he tries to kill Batman. But now, the roll has turned. In so many ways, the joker is right about many things. That he and Batman are the same.

Blue light dances across the sky, followed by a rumble of thunder that shook the house. The street light were cut off, no power anywhere.

I sighed, getting up from my bed and going downstairs to get a glass of cold water. The house was empty. My brother went to work and his two female house guests left for the night to go to a party. Did I get invited? No. Did they ask me? No. If I had my way, they would be kicked out of the house. My brother wants them to stick around, so he can look at them wearing almost nothing.

"Every artist needs a blank canvas." I thought. There is nothing blank about the two women who live here. There fake.

Going back to my bedroom, I looked at my phone and sighed. I couldn't reply to my brother, telling him that I was okay. The battery ran out just before the storm started. Stacy, one of my fake friends, talked non-stop about a new guy that she had just started dating.

I had a text from Emma, another fake friend, telling me she couldn't come round, her parents wanted her in for the night. That was a lie. I could hear her giggling in the background when Stacy rang me.

The only reason they came round was to perve on my brother.

Taking a deep breath, my life was shit. I was eighteen years old woman, who didn't have many friends. Only fake ones.

To them, I was weird, a geek and a freak. I have never been popular throughout school or even collage. I'd rather be alone.

Stacy and Emma say they are my friend, but I knew they just wanted something to gossip behind my back and make rumors. They uwanted me to have a breakdown and show everyone how pathetic and weak I was. But the good thing is, I think they are slowly giving up on me. I will not crack in front on them. I'm stronger than that.

Karma is just around the corner.

I wish I had a good friend....

*page break*

When I woke up, the storm had cleared, but there was a lot of damage left behind.

Trees were on the road, some ended through the roof on people's houses. Some power lines had been hit by lightning, but lucky my house was fine.

After charging my phone and getting ready, I left the house heading towards hell. Collage, its worse than high school.

I'd noticed that my brother never came home from' work' and so was the housemates.

It took me half an hour to walk to collage. Emma didn't pick me up. When I charged up my phone, I had a look on my Facebook. There were pictures of Stacy having a house party. Nearly everyone I knew went including my brother and the two room mates. They were having a time of their lives. If I ended up in the gutter they wouldn't even notice, or look for me.

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