Chapter 2

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How did my life turn out this way. Did I do something bad? Did I do something wrong? What did I do? Was it a hard question? That I'm still waiting for answers. In some way, I think I have been given a second chance of a new life, somewhere I can call home. Have a family. Maybe get married and have kids. But I will have to wait for the future, to see how my life turns out in a tv series, Gotham.

One thing I have come to love is finally having a father and somewhat little brother. It's weird having someone to look after me, that I don't have to worry that much. It was... Nice.

I looked around my bedroom. It was huge, bigger than my old bedroom. The walls were painted a cream colour. The main wall was wallpapered, with red, gold, silver and rose gold printed leaves with different coloured gray shaded leaves with patterns in the middle.

The floor was wooden, dark polished. In the middle of the room was a huge red and gray rug. There were three doors. One leading into the bathroom, one to a huge walk-in wardrobe and an exit.

My bed was double, with a huge velvet headboard. Thick duvet and throw with huge cushions and pillows.

Bruce was asleep on the sofa. One of his father's books were rested on his chest, open. Bruce's mouth was slightly open, hearing soft snors.

I snorted in amuzment. I wasn't aloud out of bed till an hour before Lee and Jim get here to pick me up. I had page's of work, what I have done in the past with Harvey.

In my diary. I first met Jim when Bruce parents were murdered. At first, me and Jim didn't get along, till Harvey and half of the police force spoke up for me. Jim thought I was too young. That I needed more training.

As I read through my diary, flashes came into my mind, filling in the blanks. I sighed in releaf. I remember sleeping in Bruce room for a week, keeping a good eye on him. I remember meeting Selina and Ivy. I remember learning to shoot and fight with Harvey and Alfred. It was so cool.


I sat next to Lee watching the flying Graysons perform. Jim passed me a small bag of popcorn, he gave me a small smile and kept on asking if I was okay. Lee had her head rested on Jim shoulder. She had a smile on her face, as he passed her some popcorn.

"Thanks." Lee whispered to Jim.

I have never been to a circus before, and it was amazing. I remember watching Tim Burton batman, and I saw so upset when Robin family was killed trying to save everyone from Harvey Two-face.

I heard Lee giggle and whisper something to Jim who smiled at her. He went to kiss her cheek, she moved away, teasing. I smiled. They made a cute couple.

I noticed red hair from the corner of my eye. I put my hair in the way and silently watched. Jerome was talking to the psychic. Jerome was talking so fast, glaring at the old man.

He must of felt me looking at him, because he turned in my direction. I smirked, staring back. I popped popcorn into my mouth, and turned to watch the flying Graysons.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Flying Graysons." the ring master announced, and we started to clap and cheer. The flying Graysons walked around the ring, waving, blowing kisses and thanking the audience.

We all turned to the sound of a car beeping it's horn. A small red car came into view. A clown was driving. Other clowns followed, blowing horns, cartwheeling and doing silly tricks.

"What are you doing?" the ring master asked. "Get back in the car" he told the clowns.

One of the clowns hit one of the Graysons at the side of the head with a glass bottle. The audience gasped as a fight broke out. Parents covered their children's eyes, some cheered on the fight.

Me and Lee stared in shock. The ring master was trying to break up the fight. Lee pulls me close to her, as Jim walks towards the ring.

I noticed jerome stand at the side with a sick smirk on his face. He spotted me and gave me a wink. I shivered. Looking away.

Yes, he was very good looking. Any girl or boy would agree. He had that crazy, bad guy vibe about him. It must be his ginger hair.

Jim lifted up his badge. "G.C.P.D." HE shouted. They didn't hear him. "Everybody freeze!!!" Jim shouted in a soldier like voice. Everyone froze on the spot.


Jim- why did you attack Mr. Grayson?

Clown- no reason. I don't like him"

Jim questioned Mr. Grayson. "I have no reason why he did it."

Jim questioned the ring master. "beats me."

I rolled my eyes, helping Lee with the injured people. I was stood in between two bickering couple. Ex couple.

Lee doesn't look happy that her night had got ruined. I gave her a small smile, not knowing what to say.

"You circus people don't mess around, do you?" Lee asked, while John looks at me with a frown. I scrunched my eyes at him.

"I swear, John Grayson, if you give me that look one more time, I will slap you silly." the girl acrobat snaps.

John scoffs. "You wish."

"Don't think I can't" the girl replies.

"Whoe, kids." Lee buts in.

"What's the big problem, anyhow?" I asked.

"Who are you, miss?" John asks.

"I'm Maze Pennyworth. I'm with the G.C.P.D."I tell him with a fake smile.

" The Graysons are arrogant buttheads is the problem. "the girl snaps.

" The Lloyd's are freckles drunkards is more like it. " John snaps back.

" So, it's a family fued. "Lee asks the both of them.

" The Graysons don't get along with the Lloyd's. Been that way for years. "

" You guys fight like this every night? "I asked.

" No. That was just her idiot uncle doing his thing. "

" You know damn well it must be Lilas fault. "


Once everything was cleared up, me and Lee had a walk around tge area. The audience had moved out of the tent, or gone home. Most of tge circus people stuck around helping tge police clean up the mess.

" You did good tonight. " Lee told me.

I smiled at her. "Thanks. So did you."

Lee laughed. "It's my job."

I stopped walking and folded my arms over my chest. "Lee, it's been weird been here tonight." I tell her.

She stops walking and turns to me. "What do you mean?" she asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I feel like I've been here before. I'm trying to remember."

"Well if that fight didn't happen, maybe you would remember something."

I frowned. "So, your saying. I can't remember because I was distracted?" I ask her.

Lee nods. "It's like, if I put my reading glasses on the top if my head. I feget I put them there, and I've got a huge amount of work to do. I'm distracted. Tgen later on, I need them for reading, and I can't remember where I put them." she explains.

"So, the best way to remember is to retrace my steps?"

She smiles. "Exactly... Oh, and don't feget to eat dark chocolate. It helps."

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