Chapter 7

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"So, the psychic, Paul Cicero gave you a message from Lila from the grave. Kind of creepy, don't you think?" I asked Jim and Lee.

"Yeah, it's creepy. But I've heard the riddle somewhere before. But I can't remember." Lee replied.

"He's a fraud." Jim snapped, not believing anything Paul said.

I smiled at him. "what's the riddle?" I said acting dumb. I already knew the answer.

"Servant of the devil lay in the garden of the iron sisters." she told me.

I frowned. "I've heard of it too. I will text you when I have figured it out. Maybe, I will ask Ed."

"Well, I've invited Jim for dinner at mine. You know to finish our date."

I smirked. "Good luck. Give him something spicy." I teased.

I sat behind my desk watching Lee, Jim and Harvey all leave together. Harvey will be going to his bar or find a woman for the night.

Jim had his arm wrapped around Lee's waist. They were cute together. I spent a couple of hours filling in paper work, what Harvey left me. And helping the other officers out.

"The more you cut me the bigger I grow. What am I?" edward asked.

I stopped writing my report and looked up at edward. God, he is tall. "A hole." I answered him.

"See, your brain is still working. Miss. Pennyworth."

"It is, but I can't remember if I had been to the circus before. I'm too distracted, plus my scar is itching a little."

"Come with me, let's check it out." Edward offered.

Smiling, I walked next to him. We went into the office and Edward opened the cabinet what had different bottles, bandages loads of tools and gloves.

"Just pop yourself on my desk."he told me.

I watched as he pulled white rubber gloves on. I nodded my head, as he slowly pealed back the bits of tape away from my skin. It hurt, my nurves were shooting down my cheek and tops of my eyelids. My eyes watered.

" Sorry. " Edward apologied.

"It's okay."

Edward cleaned my Scars, and reattached one of my stitched that came undone. Lucky there was no infection, but it was nicely healing. He told me to leave the bandages off a little while to get some air to my scars.

"You got anything on Lila Velaska yet?" I asked.

"Yes, I was just on my way to see Commissioner Essen."

Edward linked his arm with mine and we went to her office. I laughed as a couple of male officers were giving edward a couple of jealous looks.

"Your victim Lila Velaska, was killed by a large knife or hatchet. Multiple blows to the head, upper torso. Around 3:30 yesterday afternoon." edward said to the commissioner.

"From 2:30 to 4:15, both Grayson Nd Lloyd were in the ring for the mantinee." I told her.

"Well, how precise is that time of death?" Essen asked.

"45 minutes." edward told her.

"Still possible then, but cutting it close. Keep looking edward and Maze."

I nodded and went back to my desk. The crime scene was still been investigated. I frowned, then looked at Edward.

"Edward, a psychic came here earlier while I was in the commissioner's office. He said to Jim and Lee that he had a message from the grave." I told him.

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