Chapter 10

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"So, what is it?" Harvey asked Edward.

"Well to be clear. There isn't an actual piece of crime scene evidence. It's gone, as far as I can tell. What I was able to find is a photo copy buried deep in a log book. It's a broken heart. Hand-painted, I guess." edward replied, handing the photo to Harvey.

Harvey took a close look at it." This was at the crime scene? "

Edward nodded, looking at Harvey.

Harvey looked at Edward." You sure? "

" Well, not this, exactly. You see, a photocopy is a replica... "

" Damn it, no, Ed, not now." Harvey snapped.

Jim frowned, stepping closer to his partner." What's wrong? "

" I warned you... But, no, you had to go and get both of us burned." Harvey snapped at Jim.

" What are you talking about?"

" This guy your after... This is not the first rodeo. He's a serial killer."Harvey told Jim.

They both sat down at their desks, looking at the picture of a dead woman. Lee told them that the woman had multiple wounds on her body. Mostly stab wounds.

" Wasn't Maze supposed to be here, hours ago."lee asked Jim.

Jim sigh, rubbing his hands over his face." Yeah. She said she wanted to get a head start."

"Shes excited to work. I'm going to remove her stitches later."

Harvey took out his phone and dialled her number. It went straight to voicemail. He tried again. Nothing. Harvey frowned.

Jim looked at Harvey. "What's wrong?"

"Maze's phone is switched off. She never has her phone off. Somethings not right."

"Maybe, her phone died. It happens all the time." Jim told Harvey.

"She never forgets. It's like a routine with Maze. But she's an hour late, Jim. She's always early."

Harvey sighed looking at the broken picture again. "He a ducts young, single, attractive women and keeps them... sometimes for a week, sometimes months. Then he dumps their bodies around Gotham." Harvey tells Jim.

"How many has he killed?"

"A dozen. Maybe more. Everytime he makes a kill, he leaves one of these at the crime scene. It's his calling card."

"So, who is he?"

"No one knows." Harvey whispers. "Thinking he is educated, decent-looking, rich, but that's profile. Some of the guys call him the Don Juan Killer. Most call him the Ogre."

"So why haven't I heard about this guy before?" why hasn't the public?" Jim asks, pacing back and forwards.

Harvey turns to Jim." It's the G.C.P.D'S. Dirty little secret. Only a handful of Senior detectives know anything about this guy... and they sure ain't leaking it to the press."

"Why not?"

"Because the Ogre retaliate against any cop who investigates him. He kills people they love. That's why this lunatic hasn't been caught yet, Jim... because no one's been stupid enough to investigate."

"Until I came along." Jim replies, he's shocked.

They stopped talking as Edward ran up to them. "I just called Wayne Manor."

"Is Maze okay." Jim asked.

"I spoken to her father, he says he hasn't seen her since yesterday morning."


Jim and Harvey skidded to a stop and jumped out of their car. Alfred opened the door, his eyes were puffy.

"I've been calling Maze non stop. Her phone keeps going to voicemail. Jim, please tell me what's going on with my little girl." alfred almost begged.

"We don't want to jump to conclusions, Alfred. But I must tell you this... There is a serial killer on the loose. He goes by the name Ogre. If a police officer investigate him, he takes the ones they love." Jim explained to Alfred.

"So, you think this man has my daughter?"

"We don't know yet. Is it okay if we search her room?" Harvey asked.

"Buy all means. Anything to help."

Jim and Harvey quickly followed Alfred up the stairs to her bedroom. Alfred opened the door at the far end of the hall.

They stopped and had a look around. Maze's bedroom was clean. A little OCD. Everything was neatly put away. Books were stacked alphabetical on the shelves. Boots and shoes were in a straight line. They noticed her desk was full with cards. Some were poetry, kisses and hearts, similar to the photocopy. Jim opened it up.

To my dearest Maze. A close friend of mine has spoken very highly of you. The first time we met when you were found in the alley, he did scar your pretty face. He left his mark. He asked me to train you up. You wanna know why? Because, you been a very bad girl, Miss Pennyworth. It will be my pleasure. Hope you can join me for a drink sometime. Love D.

"Jim, what's wrong." Harvey asked.

"he's got Maze." Jim hissed through his teeth. He passed the card to Harvey.

"What!!!" alfred shouted with rage.

"It doesn't make sense. Why Maze? She's only just started working with us, she doesn't know of the Ogre." Harvey snapped.

Jim turned to Alfred. "Did you know about this?"

"No sire. She told me there cards from the station. Why take my daughter? She doesn't know anything? Hasn't she been through enough." he shouted, sitting at the end of his daughters bed, holding a stuffed owl Teddy. "My wife got Maze this, just before she passed away. Maze always kept it close to her heart." Alfred's voice croaked, holding the owl close to his chest.

Alfred looked up with teared up eyes. "Find my daughter. Bring her home." alfred begged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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