Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I've been working at Moe's Liquor Store for almost a year now. I work night shift and we don't have a lot of customers come in during my shift but the ones that do come in, are regulars. You can almost set your watch by them. But there's one guy that comes in every night. I can even tell you what he gets. I'm working my normal shift when he walks in. He heads to get his normal bottle of Jack and brings it to the counter. "Hey Juice." I say as I ring him up. "Hey Annie." he says as he smiles at me. "How's it going?" he asks. "Boring as hell. I've had one customer other than you." I tell him. "You here alone?" he asks. "I'm here alone every night." I tell him. He starts looking around and I tell him. "I'm fine, Juice. I promise." I tell him and he looks at me and before he can say anything, I tell him "I have a panic button below the counter." He shakes his head and reaches into his kutte. Handing me a small handgun, he says "No serial numbers. Keep it in the back of your jeans when you're here." I look at him a second and say "Juice..." I start and he stops me. "Annie, please." he says. I sigh and take it from him and put it in the back of my jeans. "Thank you." I say and he smiles that smile I love so much. I've had the biggest crush on Juice for a long time now. "Well, I better head out. You sure you're okay here?" he asks. "I promise. Especially now that you gave me some protection." I say. "Give me your phone." he says. I hand him my phone and he enters his number. "Call me if you need anything." he says. Smiling I say "Thank you Juice." He nods before heading out the door. I spend the rest of the night alone, thinking about Juice.

The next night, I am at work and at his normal time, Juice walks in the door. "Hey Annie." he says as he heads to the cooler. Coming up to the counter, I ring him up and when he pays he asks "You bring it?" and I know he's talking about the gun. I turn around and raise my shirt and show him. "Good." he tells me. "I'm making sure to keep it on me when I'm here." I tell him. "Good. Things been slow?" he asks and I nod. "Not that I don't appreciate it but why do you worry about me so much?" I ask. "You're a cool chick and I like talking to you." he says. Feeling brave I say "Well you know you have my number. You like talking to me that much you can call me." I tell him and he smiles wide and I feel the butterflies going nuts in my stomach. "I'll remember that." he says before walking out. A few minutes later I get a text.

J: That phone works both ways Princess.

A: That it does. Why you gotta be so cute?

J: You think I'm cute?

A: As if you didn't know. Goodnight Goof.

J: Good night Princess. Call me if you need anything.

A: I'll be fine Juice.

J: Call me.

A: I will. Thank you Juice.

J: Good night Princess.

A: Good night Goof.

I look at my phone and I can't believe just how sweet he is. He's a nice guy but he's just being nice. I finish out my shift and when it's time to clock out, I get home and get a text from Juice.

J: Sleep well Princess.

A: I will. Be safe today please.

J: I will. Gotta make sure I come check on you tonight.

A: I'm off tonight. But you can still call me.

J: I'll call you tonight. Sweet dreams.

A: Talk to you tonight. Have a good day.

J: Always Princess.

I look at my phone and smile. He's so sweet and really really hot. I shower and lay down and drift off to sleep thinking about Juice and his beautiful smile.

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