Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Pulling up to the cigar shop, the guys see Polly Zobelle and her dad standing there talking to three guys. The guys get out of the van and sneak in the back door. Pulling Polly out first, they use chloroform on her to knock her out. Putting all of them at gunpoint, "Get on your knees." Jax says. They all slowly get on their knees and one by one, they are drugged. Getting their limp bodies into the van, they take them to a warehouse. Tying them up, they wait on them to wake up. Seeing them start to stir and wake up, they start to squirm. Juice walks over to Polly and asks "What were you planning for Annie?" She smirks at him and says "We were going to cleanse her and make sure she never brought a spic baby into this world." He glares at her and Clay asks "How were you going to do that?" She looks at him and says "After our boys had their fun with her, we were taking a pipe to her. Make sure there was enough damage to keep her from having any spic babies." she says. Clay takes his gun and puts it to her head and pulls the trigger, killing her. Jax turns to Weston and he smirks at Jax. "What?" Weston asks. Jax doesn't say anything. Thinking about what they did to Gemma and planning on doing to me, he pulls the trigger and sees Weston's head snap back. Clay walks up to Zobelle. "You think you're untouchable don't you? Guess we proved you wrong. This is for my wife." he says before shooting Zobelle right between the eyes. After killing the other two, they dispose of the bodies and head back to the clubhouse.

I am sitting at the bar with Gemma waiting on the guys to come back when all of a sudden the door opens. As soon as I see Juice, I run and jump into his arms. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my neck and I do the same and I start to sob. He picks me up and carries me to the dorm. As soon as the door is locked, he carries me to the bed and sits with me straddling him. "It's done." he tells me. I crash my lips with his and when we come up for air I whisper "I love you Juan." He smiles against my lips and says "I love you too. Never doubt that." he tells me. I look into his eyes and say "Never baby." He caresses my face and neither of us say a word. I kiss him softly before he deepens the kiss. Turning me over and hovering over me, we start to shed clothes and spend the rest of the night making love over and over again.

The next morning, I wake up in bed alone. I get dressed and head out to the main room and see Gemma sitting at the bar. I take a seat next to her and a croweater puts a coffee in front of me. "Morning baby." she says. "Morning Gemma." I tell her. "Guys are in church." she tells me and I look at her concerned. "Just debriefing from last night." she tells me and I relax. After a few minutes, the guys come out and Juice wraps his arms around me. "Good morning baby." he says. "Morning." I say before he kisses me softly. "You ready for my crow?" he asks. Smiling wide I say "Hell yeah." before we follow Happy to our dorm and an hour later, I have Juice's crow on my forearm where everyone can see it. We walk out to the main room and I show it to Gemma before covering it back up and Juice is beaming with pride.

Juice had to head to work and I decide to call Moe. "Hey Moe." I say. "Hey baby girl. You good?" he asks. "I am now. How's work going?" I ask. "Good. You know when you're coming back yet?" He asks. "I'll have to check with my Old Man but I'll let you know." I tell him. "Old Man? Congrats sweetheart." he tells me. "Thanks Moe." I tell him. I talk to him a few more minutes before getting off the phone and watching my Old Man work on cars for the rest of the day.

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