Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It's been a few months and I am better. Juice and I are back to our normal selves and we can't seem to keep our hands off each other. We are sitting at the clubhouse and I am talking to Lyla. Opie and Juice are working in the garage and we are waiting on them to get off work. "Shit." Lyla says as she looks around in her purse. "What?" I ask. "Do you have a tampon?" she asks. I look in my bag and say "Yeah. Here." I hand it to her and she heads to the bathroom. I am sitting there, thinking and I pull up the calendar on my phone and look to see when I'm due. As I look, Lyla comes walking back out and I am looking at my phone shocked. "What?" she asks. "I'm late." I tell her. "How late?" she asks. "Almost a month." I tell her. "We need to head to the doctor." she tells me and I nod. We walk outside and Lyla and I walk up to the guys and Lyla says "We are going to get some lunch." Opie nods and Juice pulls me to him. "You okay?" he asks. I kiss him and say "Yeah baby. I'm okay." I tell him but he looks like he doesn't believe me. I pull away and say "We'll be back." before heading to Lyla's car, knowing he's watching me leave.

We head to her doctor and they work me in. "What seems to be the problem?" the doctor asks. "She's late on her period." Lyla says and she tells me "Well, let's run some bloodwork and see what we can find out." I nod and the nurse comes in and takes my blood. "Are you okay?" Lyla asks while we are waiting on the test. "I don't know. I mean...I know Juice loves me and I know he's talked about wanting a family someday. I just hope he's happy about it." I tell her. "I think he will be." The doctor comes back in and says "Looks like you are pregnant." She does the ultrasound and tells me that I am six weeks pregnant.

We pull up to the clubhouse and see Juice and Opie sitting on one of the tables, talking. "How was lunch?" Opie asks. "Eventful." Lyla says smirking. They look at us confused and I look at Juice and ask "You remember when you told me that you wanted kids someday?" I ask and he nods. "'s someday." I tell him and he looks at me shocked. "Seriously?" He asks. I nod my head and say "Six weeks." He stands up and pulls me close. Crashing his lips with mine, he picks me up and when we separate for air, he puts his hand on my stomach and says "Marry me." I look at him and nod my head yes and he kisses me deeply. When we separate, we look at Opie and Lyla and they are smiling.

We head inside and Opie yells, "Everybody shut the fuck up. Juicy Boy here has something to say." Everyone looks at Juice and he says "Annie and I are getting married." They all smile and start to congratulate us. "That's not all." Juice says. "We're knocked up." he says and everyone starts cheering for us before coming to us and hugging us.

After making the announcement, the clubhouse breaks out into a party and we are sitting on the couch, me in his lap and his hand on my stomach. "Are you happy?" I ask. He looks up at me and says "Are you kidding? I'm marrying the woman I love and we're having a kid. I've never been this happy." he tells me. "Well, we need to set a date but Juice, I just want something small, here at the clubhouse." I tell him. He looks at me and then calls out to Gemma. "What do you need baby?" Gemma asks. "Can you put something small together here at the clubhouse in two weeks?" Juice asks. She smirks and says "You two just need to show up. I'll handle everything." she tells me. I smile and stand up to hug her. Clay walks up and asks "What's going on?" I look up at him and say "In a couple of weeks, I'm gonna need you to give me away." I tell him and he smiles before hugging me. "I'd be honored sweetheart." he tells me before I walk back over to Juice and he pulls me close, his hand going back to my stomach.

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