Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After we catch our breath, I ask, "What had you so hyped up?" He pulls me closer and says "Found out some things. When you got to the cigar shop, they were going to rape you. They were planning on selling you off when they were done with you." he tells me and I look at him shocked. "I would never let that happen to you." he tells me. "I know baby. I never doubted." I tell him. Kissing me softly he says "You know I'm going to marry you someday." I smile and say "I'm holding you to that." After we get dressed, we head out to the main room and he sits at the bar and pulls me between his legs. Kissing my neck and just snuggling with me, I see the croweater from before glaring at me. "She glares any harder and I'm gonna cut her fucking eyes out." I whisper and Juice looks up and sees what I'm looking at. He stands up and says "Stay here." I nod and he walks over to her. She starts trying to push up on him and he pushes her back. "You got a problem with my Old Lady?" he asks. "Why would you want her. We can have so much more fun." she purrs. "I want her because she's perfect. You've been with all my brothers. No one wants to settle down with someone that everyone's had. You need to remember your place because you keep glaring at my Old Lady, you won't have to worry about her doing something because I will and you won't like it." he tells her and she says "But Juicy..." and he cuts her off. "Only ones allowed to call me that are my brothers and my Old Lady." he says and she starts pouting. "I just want to make you feel good." she says. "You'll never make me feel as good as she does. Get out of here." he tells her and she walks out of the clubhouse. I walk over to him and crash my lips with his and the room just disappears.

After we separate, I tell him "I love you." He smiles that smile I love so much and says "I love you too." He nuzzles against my neck and starts kissing on my neck and we her Tig yell "Get a room." I smirk and say "Good idea." I pull away from Juice and take his hand, pulling him back to the dorms. "Good night guys." I say as we head down the hallway. Walking into the dorm, he locks the door and I walk backwards towards the bed, taking my clothes off along the way. He starts stripping and tackles me to the bed. Entering me slowly, he starts to make love to me nice and slow and all I can do is moan his name as I find release after release. He finally finds his inside me and pulls me into his chest as he lays facing me. "I love you so fucking much." he tells me. I cup his face and say "I love you too baby. More than you know." I tell him. We spend the rest of the night making love, talking and laughing. I could not be happier.

The next morning, we head out to the main room for coffee. The guys get called into church and I head out to the boxing ring to get some air. I am sitting out there for a couple of minutes when I see her come around the edge of the ring, aiming a gun at me. "Jonie, what are you doing?" I ask. "I want Juice." she tells me. "What? You want me to walk away? You think that's going to make him want you?" I ask. "If you're gone, I can console him. He'll fall for me then." she tells me. "No he won't." I tell her. All of a sudden, she pulls the trigger and I grab my side, feeling a searing pain. I fall to the ground and I pass out hearing Juice calling my name.

Beep...Beep...Beep. Is what I hear when I wake up. "Juice." I whisper but he hears me. "Baby. Shit. You're awake." he says before he leans down and kisses me softly, putting his forehead to mine. "What happened?" I ask. "Jonie shot you." he says. I look at him and he says "She's handled." I nod and kiss him one more time. "I'll get the doctor." I hear Gemma say. "How long have I been out?" I ask. "Couple days." he tells me and I nod. He sits on the side of the bed and the doctor comes in. "If you'll all step outside, I'll examine her now that she's awake." the doctor says. "I'm not going anywhere." Juice says and Gemma sees herself out. The doctor looks at me and I say "I want him here." She nods and goes about her examination and Juice never lets go of my hand. "We're keeping you for a few days but you should make a full recovery. Do you remember what happened?" she asks. "No." I say and she nods. "Get some rest." she tells me and I nod before looking back at Juice. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I say before he kisses me one more time.

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