Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I've been at work for a couple of hours when the same blonde comes walking in. She gets her purchase and I don't say more than her total. "Thanks." she says and then looks at me. "You should come meet some of my friends. They would love you." she says. "That's okay. Thanks." I say. She hands me a business card and says "If you change your mind." I look at the card as she walks out and Juice walks in. He walks over to the counter and I lean across to kiss him. "What's that?" he asks as he sees the card in my hand. I look at the card and hand it to him. He looks at it and sees the name on it and his eyes go wide. "Annie, I need you to call your boss and tell him you need to leave. Tell him you're sick or something." he tells me. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I need you to trust me Princess. I'll explain everything when we get to the clubhouse." he says. "Yeah. Okay." I say. I call my boss and he says he'd be there in a few. A few minutes later, he walks in and sees Juice standing there and looks at me. Turning to Juice he asks "Anything I need to know?" Juice says "She needs a few days." Moe nods his head and says "Go on. I got it." I nod and kiss his cheek before walking out. "He's a friend of the club." Juice tells me. "Head to the clubhouse. I'm right behind you." I look at him and say "I need clothes if I'm going to be there a while." He leads me to my car and says "I'll have Gemma go get your things." I nod and do as he says.

We pull up at the clubhouse and as soon as we pull in, he tells the Prospect "Head down and close the gates. Lock it up." The Prospect nods and does what he's told. I get out of my car and when we head inside, hand in hand, he tells one of the guys "I need everyone in church. Need to fill my girl in real fast." The guy nods and Juice leads me to his dorm. "What's going on Juice. You're scaring me." I say. He sits on the bed and pulls me to sit beside him. "The chick that gave you this card. Has she said anything to you?" he asks and I look down and pull my hand from his. "You remember when you took me to breakfast the other morning?" I ask and she nods. "She saw you leaving and told me that a pretty thing like me could do better than a spic and that I should stick to my own color. Tonight when she gave me this card, she invited me to meet some of her friends. Said they'd love me. I turned her down and she handed me the card incase I changed me mind." I tell him. He looks at me and runs his hand across his mohawk. "Her and her father run the cigar shop on Main. Her father had some of his goons kidnap our President's wife and rape her." he tells me. I look at him shocked and he cups my face. "I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. You're safe here." he tells me. He kisses me softly and says "I won't let anything happen to you but I need you to trust me." he says. "I trust you." I tell him.

We head out to the main room and as soon as we get to the bar area, a man with blonde hair walks up. "What going on Juice?" he asks. "Jax, this is my girlfriend, Annie. Annie, this is Jax, my VP." he says. "Nice to meet you." I say. "You too Darlin." he says. "We have a problem. I'll explain inside." he says and Jax nods. Juice turns to me while Jax gets everyone together. "Stay inside please." he tells me. "I will." I tell him. A woman walks over and Juice says "Gemma, this is my girlfriend Annie. Princess, this is Gemma. She's Jax's mom and our Pres' Old Lady." he introduces us. "Nice to meet you." I say and hold out my hand. She looks at Juice and asks "You serious about her?" He simply nods and she hugs me. "Welcome Sweetheart." she says and I can't help but smile a little. "Gemma, can you stick close while I fill the guys in?" he asks. "I got her baby. Go on." she says. He kisses me and says "I'll be back." I nod and he heads into what Gemma told me was the Chapel.

Inside the chapel. Clay asks "What's going on brother?" Juice puts his hands flat on the table and looks at his hands. "That girl out there is my girlfriend Annie. She works at Moe's." he says. "Okay. What do we need to know?" Jax asks. "The other night, I went to see her at work and this chick came in. Blonde, nice build. When she left I could tell there was something wrong with Annie but she told me it was nothing. Tonight, the same blonde comes in and hands her a business card. Annie told me that this chick told her she deserved better than to be with a spic and told Annie to call her if she changed her mind about meeting this chick's friends. That they would love her. I looked at the card. Polly Zobelle." he says and all eyes go wide. "Zobelle? Shit." Tig says. "I need her on lockdown here until we get these fuckers." Juice says. "We'll have you and Happy escort her to get her things. You think she'd reach out to this gash? Set something up for us to crash?" Clay asks. "I can ask her." Juice says. "Let's get her things and then we'll talk to her about it." Clay says and bangs the gavel.

I see the guys walking out of the chapel and Juice walks over to me along with another guy that is covered in tattoos. "Babe, this is Happy. He's going to follow us to get you some things and then we need to talk to you." he tells me. "Okay." I say. We head out to the bikes and I get on the back of Juice's bike. Heading to my house, we walk in and I tell them "Make yourself at home. I won't be but a minute." I tell them and they nod. I am packing up enough things for a few days and feel eyes on me. I turn and see Juice standing in the doorway. "You okay?" he asks. "I think so." I tell him. He walks over and cups my face. "I won't let anything happen to you." he says. "I know." I say. Kissing me softly, I feel myself melt into him. He puts his forehead to mine and before he can say anything I say "I know." He takes my bag and we head back out to the bikes. Happy grabs the bag and puts it on the back of his bike and we head back.

Pulling into the clubhouse, Happy hands my bag to the prospect and tells him "Take this to Juice's dorm." The prospect nods and does as he's asked. Once we walk in, Clay says "Church. You too sweetheart." I look at him shocked and then to Juice. "It's okay." he says. I follow him in, his fingers still laced with mine and he leads me to his chair and Happy puts a chair between him and Juice for me to sit. "Thanks." I say and he just nods. "Sweetheart, we need to fill you in on a few things that your Old Man wants you to know and then we need to ask something of you." he says. "Okay." I say. "The gash that gave you this card, she's the one that helped kidnap my wife and her old man's minions raped her to send a message to us." he says and I look at Juice and he kisses my knuckles. "We won't let that happen to you. But we need you to reach out for us. Just set something up. Tell her that you changed your mind and that you want to meet her friends. When you set it up, we'll be the ones at the meet. Most of the guys that are in her old man's inner circle are the ones that we have been after and had to be careful trying to get close." he tells me. "Okay. I can do that." I tell them. Bobby passes over a burner phone and Juice hands me the card. "Hello." I hear her say. "Polly? It's Annie. From Moe's." I tell her. "Hey. What can I do for you?" she asks. "I thought about what you said and maybe it wouldn't be so bad meeting your friends. I could use a few friends around here." I tell her. "Perfect. Look, we're having a meeting at the cigar shop tomorrow night at eight. Think you can make it?" she asks. "Yeah. I'm off work tomorrow so that would be perfect." I tell her. "Great. See you then and wear something nice." she tells me. "Thanks for this Polly." I tell her. "No problem." she says and we end the call. "That was great sweetheart." Bobby says and I look at Juice. "What did she say?" he asks. "They are having a meeting at the cigar shop tomorrow night at eight. She said for me to wear something nice." I tell them. "Go on back out there to Gemma and we'll work out the details." Clay says. I kiss Juice softly and head out like they told me to. "You got a good one there brother." Tig says and Juice smiles proudly.

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