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astroash: okay, you want to explain, go ahead
astroash: but tell me everything
astroash: i'm tired of being lied to

essydeaton: okay
essydeaton: i will
essydeaton: first off, i'm so sorry i never told you
essydeaton: i didn't mean to hurt you

astroash: did you even think about what would happen?

essydeaton: yes
essydeaton: of course
essydeaton: but i was put in a really, really terrible position
essydeaton: calum made me promise not to tell you and he trusted me with it and i didn't know what to do

astroash: so it's his fault?

essydeaton: no
essydeaton: it's mine
essydeaton: i never said that

astroash: okay
astroash: go on

essydeaton: okay, so he texted me
essydeaton: he told me he relapsed
essydeaton: and he asked me not to tell you
essydeaton: then he said he talked to jack

astroash: what?
astroash: oh my god

essydeaton: yeah
essydeaton: he said jack was taking about how he could give cal so much more than anyone else could
essydeaton: and he was begging him to take him back

astroash: what the fuck

essydeaton: and obviously calum said no
essydeaton: but he said he started thinking about everything
essydeaton: and he realized he didn't need to bring all of that stuff into your life, that you don't deserve it
essydeaton: and that he couldn't do it anymore
essydeaton: and i knew he meant he was going to break up with you
essydeaton: i tried to talk him out of it
essydeaton: but he made up his mind and he told me not to tell you
essydeaton: and i agreed but i swear i was going to tell you, ash
essydeaton: i was just confused and i didn't know what to do
essydeaton: and you found out before i could tell you
essydeaton: i'm so, so sorry
essydeaton: i didn't do it on purpose

astroash: wow

essydeaton: i'm so sorry
essydeaton: i seriously didn't think he'd ACTUALLY do it

astroash: have you talked to him since?

essydeaton: a couple times, yeah

astroash: when

essydeaton: ash..

astroash: when?

essydeaton: a few days ago

astroash: oh my god
astroash: what the fuck

essydeaton: just for a minute
essydeaton: i was just checking up on him

astroash: and how is he?

essydeaton: good as far as i can tell

astroash: as far as you can tell
astroash: so he's fine?
astroash: he doesn't give a fuck?

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