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Dan was sweeping the kitchen floor when Phil came dashing down the stairs, he wrapped his arms around Dan's waist and picked him up, spinning him around the room like those straight couples do in movies Dan used to watch with his mom. He let himself relax for the first time in a long time, laughing as he rested his head on Phil's chest and sucked in a deep breathe of his cologne which smelled like woods and syrup yet orange juice and clouds at the same time.

Phil pulled away, taking Dan's hands in his own and looking him deep in his eyes, a wild smile on his face. "Go on a date with me, please." He looked so relaxed on the weekends, all creased graphic shirts and sweatpants. Haille had been gone all week to visit her sister down at her mother's house. Daniel had really wanted to stay the night all week, but PJ had come back home and Dan didn't want him to feel alone. It hurt how much his feelings for Phil were growing and how much he craved to wake up in his big arms in that big bed.

"I- When?"

"Right now. Ant has a sleepover in about ten minutes so it'll just be us. I know you can't stay the night," he kissed Dan's dimple. "so I wanna take you out. We can go see a movie or something. At least let me buy you lunch." he kissed the older cheek. 

Dan wrapped his arms around his forbidden lover's waist, pulling his body closer to his. His heart was screaming at him to say yes but his gut had a bad feeling, anxiety wrapping its claws up his spine and tugging on his ribcage like a weed. "What about Haille? The media? Aren't you working on a big case right now- if anyone sees you with me... I don't know."

"I'll be careful, I promise. Please have lunch with me." he rolled his eyes at the boy's hesitation. "It's not like I'm going to be jerking you off in public, if anyone does see, I can just pass it off like you're just my nephew or something."

"What will your parents think if we get caught?" 

"They won't notice, they're old and even more old school. They never look at the TV and who the hell writes in the papers?" He kissed Dan's nose, then his forehead, then mouth, leaving a happy smile on the boys face. "Please?" he whined like Ant.

"Okay," he rolled his eyes, laughing when Phil picked him up again with a childish laugh on his lips. 




The streets were surprisingly kind of clear for this time in the day. Women clutching phones and big bags sped walk through the streets, some clutching the hand of their lovers. Dan smiled at a lesbian couple as they walked by, the two of them smiling back at the obvious attraction between Dan and Phil. He just prayed Phil wasn't as famous as his money made him out to be. His heart was racing when Phil grabbed his forearm, stopping him and asking if they could go into a store. It was really cute the way Phil acted, always asking Dan if they could do something despite him being the obvious person who was holding the money and the car keys. It wasn't like Dan was going to say no, he would reluctantly go anywhere Phil wanted to.

As they were inside a book store, Daniel had wandered off into the music section, skimming the CD's and smiling as he flipped one over. 

"What do you have there?" Phil asked, coming up to his side and gazing over his shoulder, watching as Dan flipped it back over so the older man could read the words, The Boy Who Died Wolf. "Highly Suspect? I don't think I've ever heard them." 

"They're so good. I really wanted to see them in concert this year but then PJ got sick and I had to stay home last minute."

"You had to stay home because PJ had a cold?" Phil raised an eyebrow.

"Well," Dan stuttered, remembering the day very vividly. "He wasn't cold sick, he was... mentally... sick." he sat the CD back down, partly wishing he had never picked it up, to begin with.

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