Part 2

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They were there to do a job for a new client. He hadn't been with them very long so he stayed back.

I don't know why, with me you're more than capable. He ignored it.

"Hey," the client's daughter smiled at him.

"Hey," he didn't quite return her brightness.

"How come you're over here?" she sat down next to him.

He glanced at her warily before returning his gaze to the group. "I'm new, they prefer it if I stay out of the way for now."

"You don't look new," she said.

Because he's not, it said inside his head. Outwardly, he shrugged, not saying anything.

When it was time to eat he was slow to join in.

"Come on," the lead girl encouraged. "You're with us now."

They ate the lunch provided by their latest client joking and smiling with each other. As they sat and ate he began to feel a little strange and he wasn't the only one. The smallest of the group fell over, another whimpered as they clutched their hands.

"What's going on," she winced. Looking down at her hands, black spots like spilled ink were slowly spreading across her palms.

"I don't know," he said. Yes, you do. He did, but he didn't want to believe it. He looked down at his own hands, nothing yet, but he knew there would be, he could feel it. He fought it, but there was nothing he could do to stop it, for himself or the others. Each fell unconscious until it was only him left fighting; watching the inky black bloom across his palms. Whoever did this didn't know it wouldn't work on him, at least not the way they wanted, but that didn't save him from the symptoms as he fell to his side struggling to stay awake.

"Took long enough," a man's voice coming towards them from the edge of the group, it sounded like one of the client's representatives that had given them instructions that morning.

"They weren't sure if they wanted that one or not," came another, "he's new to the group. They're still trying to dig through his background."

He fought to stay awake, he needed to figure out who these people were.

What are you worried about? You already have me. That wasn't the point, his friends would need help. Friends. It scoffed, you barely know these people. I've been with you almost all your life.

"You think they know what's happening?" One asked. He sounded far away.

"Doubt it," he felt the man grab his wrist and inspect his palm. "They're good at what they do, but this isn't it."

As the hand released him, he felt himself fall into unconsciousness, unable to hold on any longer.

***Author's Note***

Thanks for reading!

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The Power of a NameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz