Part 12

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He disappeared into the crowd. They didn't follow.

"I don't understand," the boy looked to the leader. "Why did we let him go."

"I don't know." The leader bared her teeth at the boy.

"You can't see it?" they turned on the girl.

"See what."

"There is one of us behind the human."

"No," the boy insisted. "It must have run into another host. That's the human, but there's nothing beneath that."

The little one rolled her eyes. "You backed off, didn't you? When have you ever feared a human?"

"I'm not scared of anything."

He quietly found his way back to his safe place, making sure he wasn't followed. The room was small, dark, and comfortable. He curled up around the pain that was growing in his chest. He had lost everything. Again.

What is this? It sounded appalled.

"Not now, okay?" his voiced hitched.

We need to leave.

"We will."


"I can't."

Then let me.

"No." his eyes closed over tears. "I just need a minute."

It wasn't happy but didn't say anything more. Hefell asleep in moments, the tension draining from his body.

***Author's Note***

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