Part 8

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They watched it walk away.

"What was that!" the client exploded. The men flinched as he used their names. "Your commander is a black puddle on the floor and its host walked out the door under another's control! How could you not sense what was inside that boy?"

"There wasn't anything to sense." One insisted.

"Maybe another snuck in before you could call the commander forward." The other suggested.

"No." the girl said, almost to herself. "Didn't you hear the familiarity when it talked about him? It's been with him a long time."

"That's not possible, we would have sensed one of our own."

"Apparently not. I want you two to uncover its name, find it, and bring it back here. It may have destroyed the commander, but it's still one of you. It belongs to me."

"Sir." They left as quickly as they could.

The first of the new group stepped forward unsteadily. "Commander?" Several of them turned, looking at each other trying to see beneath the surface to the beings that resided there.

"Welcome," the client said, drawing their attention to him. "I am sorry to say the commander did not make it."

Disgruntled sounds echoed from several of them.

"We will continue, nonetheless. You will acclimate and then we can move forward." A few growled, these things weren't keen on being bossed around by a human, that would change. "I brought you here. I hold your names. So think twice before you try something stupid."

And with that, the client was that much closer to his goal.

***Author's Note***

Thanks for reading!

What do you think the client's goal is? Honestly, I didn't get a good sense of what he was after, just the impression that he was in charge, not nice, and had bigger plans. So, at this point your guess is as good as mine.

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