Part 13

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Wake up! It was starting to panic. Something was very wrong; there were others in the room and he wasn't waking up.

It forced its way through his unconscious control of his body. It got his eyes cracked open, now it could see them: the two men and several of the new group. It pushed again, trying to move but something was holding his body down. At first it thought it was the boy himself, but he realized that the boy wasn't just quiet, he was unnaturally far away. What had they done to him?

"I don't see what's so threatening about him," one of the boys said.

"That's because he's heavily sedated," one of the men answered.

The kid shrugged as if he didn't believe the man.

"Let me see him," a girl pushed through, a girl without a being beneath her skin. The client's daughter. "Is he okay?"

"Yes, miss."

"Can I have a moment?"

Yes, it could use that to their advantage.

"Your father would not approve."


"That's not a good idea."

She hung her head. It felt her fingers brush against his skin. "Notify me when he wakes up."

One man nodded as the other escorted her from the room.

All the while it was gaining control of his body, it was painfully slow with him so far away.

As the minutes ticked by some of the others lost interest and left.

It twitched his fingers muscles flexing, it was ready. There was no way they were staying here and not even the client had anything to keep them here.

"He's awake," said a small voice across the room.

"That's not possible." The man said.

It smirked pressing itself up from the table, which took more effort than it should have but it didn't let that show. "She's almost right."

"You again," the man growled.

It swung his legs over the edge. "None other," teeth exposed in a wolfish grin.

"It can't be."

"We've been hearing that a lot lately." It cocked his head, "if it's impossible then what am I?" It saw the small girl across the room staring at them. "You're an observant one."

"Who are you?" she asked.

"Nice try," he stood. "Have fun finding my name."

"You're not leaving," the man said.

"We're not meeting the client." It looked past the man at the girl again. The body was young and so was the being beneath. "You're not scared."

She shook her head.

"Would you like to come with us, little one?"

"I can't. The client man has my name. He won't let me go."

It shrugged, "Then kill him."

***Author's Note***

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