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"Connor Michael Murphy, get out of the car." Larry groaned at me.

No way am I going out into a new place with a relative who I haven't seen since I was like, eight, with my sister who hates me and I hate her. No fucking way.

"No, fuck you." I spit in his face.

He gives me a disgusted look and turns to my mom. Basically the only person who I can tolerate in this broken family.

"You deal with him." He growls and goes to have a conversation with my sister, Zoe.

My mom turns to me and gives me a warm smile. Well, anything is warmer than this freezing weather. I could probably freeze ice cubes out here.

"Connor honey, if you get out of the car I'll walk across the street to that coffee shop and grab you a large coffee. How does that sound?"

"Hell no! That's what you said when you tried getting me into the car and I still have no coffee mother. No way am I falling for it again." I huff and lean back into the car seat.


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