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Okay so this is not a chapter, but for those who have read Wattpad University, Wattpad Middle School, and Wattpad Elementary, here is the newest chapter. I may or may not have forgot the password to out shared account..

Author's note: Hey, lovelies! This is Blue and I just wanna say thank you so so so much for all the support this book is getting! Make sure to check out mine and Jo's accounts separately and enjoy the chapter!! Love you💛

As some of you may know, it is just me for a while because my lovely girlfriend is out for a few weeks, so this chapter was all me so that's why it's so bad.

Jo's POV

After snack, it was time for an outside activity. Jo was beyond excited. Whatever it was, she was gonna rock it!

"Alright kiddos! Today we're playing kickball! I'll give you three minutes to assemble your teams and team leaders so go quickly!" Their teacher blew a whistle and the kids scattered.

A second after the whistle blew, Jo and Reya were teamed together. Now just to find people who'd want to join them.

Jo looked around and saw that girl again, hanging on a girl's arm. She was about to walk over and ask if they wanted to join, but somebody already beat her to it. Bummer.

Three minutes went fast and everyone was grouped.

The team leaders were Jo and Reya's team against Blue's and Ala's team.

"Okay class! The four leaders will flip a coin! Reya and Jo are tails and Ala and Blue are heads!" The teacher announced and flipped the coin. Shoot!

They won, so they're up to.. Kick(?) First.

They two teams huddled together into their two groups. "We need defense! Don't let them get to home, and try and score!" Reya whispered yelled throwing her tiny fist into the air.

Jo giggled and whispered something in her new best friend's ear.

Reya giggled along, "oh yeah.. Have fun, that's a thing too!"

Their huddled ended and the just waited for the other team.

Jo looked at the girl. She was really short and pale. But her big emerald eyes sparkled and when she brought her long red hair in a pony tail-

No! Girls like boys, not girls!

She looked around at some of the boy, but none of them stuck out like the girl did.

Jo was snapped out of her trance when the other team screamed out 'GO DREAM TEAM!'

Reya tried to snap her fingers, but failed. "Darn! Even their cheer was better!"

Jo ran to the pitcher's thing and grabbed the ball. She was gonna have a little fun with this.

The girl that the red head was hanging off was the first up. "Hey! Throw the ball already! Or are you wanting to give up because you know we'll beat you?" The girl playfully stuck her tongue out.

"No, but maybe after we beat you, me and Reya will let you guys sleep next to us at nap time.. If you're lucky~" Jo threw the ball.

The girl stood ready, kicking the ball when it came to her and running as fast as her tiny legs could carry all the way to first base. Darn! They already got to first!

The red head girl was next and she looked nervous. Jo almost felt bad. But she had to win this!

"Wow! You're gonna trash talk me but not the tiny one?" Jo turned back to look at the girl who made it to first.

"Pfff what?! Of course not! We're gonna kick your booties!" Jo laughed, throwing the ball.

The girl kicked the ball and ran and made it to second, while the other girl was at third.

Two people passed, and the other team was at 2 strikes. Just one more and they'll be up to kick. Jo just needed to figure out how to strike them out.

Next was one of the girl's who made fun of Reya's hair. Jo growled to herself, throwing the ball hard.

But the girl still kicked it.

Ala made it home now Blue needed to.

Jo watched the ginger girl start running. It was like it was in slow motion. She had the biggest smile on her face.

But her pink skirt got caught underneath her feet, pulling her skirt down and sending her flying.

When she landed, she was in tears. Jo didn't know that if it was because the poor girl was embarrassed or because of the fall.

Everybody laughed and pointed, calling her names. Jo and the girl who was first ran to the girl, getting her up on her feet. Jo went and grabbed the girl's skirt, but the other girl grabbed it from her. "She doesn't need your help!"

Jo stammered an apology but she just ignored her, helping her friend get her skirt back on and to the nurse's office.

Jo. Felt. Terrible.

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