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(Ok, I haven't slept in 2 days and I'm going through med withdrawals so wOrK wItH mE)

Connor's POV (wow, it's been a while)

Me and Evan are cuddled up on his couch and we're showing each other songs. Well, if we're being specific, we're spooning and listening to music. What? He got cold! Anyone with the audacity to not keep a bean like him warm needs some fucking help.

And he's so smol!

"Hey, Con?" He spoke softly, he sounded like he was almost asleep.

"Hm?" I hummed, pulling him closer to me and hugging his body tighter.

"Can I play with your hair?"

Oh my god.


Okay, listen up ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between. If your partner or crush wants to play with your hair, never let them go or I will fucking kill you myself.

"YeS- I mean, sure whateves.." I was having trouble containing me inner gay. As always.

He turned himself around our eyes met. I've always had a soft spot for his eyes. Even when he annoyed the shit out of me. At the time, probably the only thing that didn't bother me was his eyes and his height.

The way his fingers interlaced with my hair would make me fall to my knees if I were standing.

My eyes grew too heavy to keep them open as they fluttered closed. This made him giggle.

"I should play with your hair more often if this is the reaction I'm getting."

My eyes shot open. "Who's dick do I have to suck to get that?" I referenced a meme.

His face turned red and he almost choked on air. "Jesus, Connor." He snorted.

"So I have to suck Jesus's dick?"

"No!" He wheezed and covered his mouth while he laughed.

I knew what he meant, but it's just so funny messing with him.

From this moment on, I just enjoyed my hair pets and the boy that's just too precious to ever let go.

Im weak for hair pets.

He started humming, his voice soft and calm. I felt like I could melt ok the spot. It's been years since I've had someone touch my hair or sing to me. My mom used to do it when my panic attacks were less.. Violent.

Fuck, I need a smoke. But I'm so relaxed and comfy... Shiiiit.

"Evvv." I whine.

Im going to regret this but I'll start getting cranky if I don't.

He looks back up at me again and waits for me to say something.

"I really, really hate to ruin this relaxing moment but I need a smoke."

He groans and sits up. "But you're warm.." He rubbed his eyes.


I stood up and grabbed his hand, pulling him up. "I know, just 10 minutes and that's it. Okay?" I fixed up his hair that was a mess, his emerald eyes tired.

He nodded.

We walked outside and sat down on his porch steps.

He was curled up to my side and my arm was around him protectively. Mine.

I shook the box of cigarettes before taking one out and lighting it.

He hummed as I took a few drags. He started making grabby hands at me.

"What?" I laughed holding him tighter. He pointed at my cigarette.

I shrugged and handed it to him.

He only took two drags before handing it back to me.

"It's cold." he shivered and unzipped my hoodie.

"Yeah! What the hell are you doing?" He crawled in between my lap and pulled the front of the hoodie over his shoulders and zipped it back up. "Warm." He sighed and turned around, wrapping his arms around me.

"I wonder how weird this looks."

He snorted. "Probably a mutant gay creature." He shrugged.

"Dude, you just described me." I choked, laughing my ass off.

He punched my shoulder and giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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