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(Guess the meaning up there for the the award of feeling like you won something,🔝)

Over the past few days, me and, what I learned to be his name, Evan, have gotten pretty far on our project. But I swear the more and more I look at him the more I just want to pound is head into my b- I mean ground.

Jared and that girl have talked a little more and I think they're a thing now. I don't even know her name, honestly. Do I care? Fuck no.

Jared and I are.. Currently not speaking. Okay, so I take mystery girl's order once and he freaks out. Im just trying to do my job!

Mystery girl also goes to our school apparently. Great. Because God,  do I love hearing Jared go on and on about her all fucking day. That was sarcasm, if you couldn't tell.

It's really funny actually. Seeing someone's sexuality flip just after one second. He went from, ew relationships, to, holyshitholyshit. He's questioning now.

Also, I hate my math class. Evan, Jared, and mystery girl are all in it. Yay.

"Psst, Connor. I'm not mad at you anymore, dude." Jared poked my cheek.

I just ignored him.

"Pssssst, Conno-" He went to poke me again but I slapped his hand away and got up, very loudly.

"Mr. Murphy, how about you go in it the restroom to go settle down." The teacher smiled at me.

"Good fucking idea." I scoffed, walking out the door.

And so here I am. Punching a stall door. My fists bleeding. Me pissed about who knows what.


"C-Connor?" An innocent voice called in between the banging of my fists against the door.

Evan. God dammit.

"What do you want, Hansen?" I growled.

There was hesitation in his voice when he spoke. "Connor, a-are you bl-bleeding?"

I look down and a few drops of blood dripped from my knuckles. "I'm fine. Go back to class."

"Connor, w-we both know th-that we are just r-reviewing yesterday's n-notes." His voice sounding stern.

"So?!" I snapped.

He sighed and sat behind the door. "I will h-help you wh-when you d-decide t-to calm down."

This mot- "I don't need your help, Hansen." I snapped again.

He just hummed in response. I huffed and sat on the other side of the door.

About ten minutes passed and, normally after my anger break downs, I cry. He asked if I'm calmer and I just hummed.

We both stood up and I unlocked the stall, revealing a very relieved Evan.

"Can I hug you?" He calmly looked up at me with his big green eyes.

I nodded because, fuck. I haven't gotten a hug from anybody since I was eight and holy shit did it feel nice. I just cried more.

"C-can I patch you up now?" He whispered calmly, rubbing circles into my back.

I nodded and he rummaged  through his backpack, pulling out a first aid kit.

"Do you just carry that around everywhere you go?" I chuckled.

His face turned red and he shrugged. "You kinda have to when your mom is a nurse and over protective."

He pulled out some bandages and some rubbing alcohol. "Fuck no. That shit burns." I tried to pull my hands away but his gently grabbed them back, put some on a cotton ball and looked up at me.

"Keep looking at me when I put this on. Don't look away from me and don't pull away. It's only going to make it burn more." He held his stare on me and I just weakly nodded.

He put the cotton ball on and I hissed in pain, clenching my fist immediately.

His hold on my hands tightened, "Connor."

Right. I unclenched my fist.

When we was done with the evil hand liquid, he started wrapping my hands in the bandages. "Y-you should've pu-punched him back t-there." He finally spoke.


He finished one hand and moved onto the other. "Jared can b-be a h-huge dick so-sometimes and I think t-that would've been a b-big awakening f-for him."

I chuckled and he just shrugged. "S-sorry."

"No, I actually agree with you one that. He can be a dick and j should've punched him but that's exactly why I'm in this hell hole." I say, referring to this town.

He gave a look of annoyance. "No offence."

He shrugged and finished my hands. "That explains why  haven't seen you before this month."

I just push hair out of my face and stand up off the ground. "Yeah, coming here was definitely not my idea." I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes and smile. The bell rings and we both groan. Then an idea pops up in my head. "Wanna skip and chill at Kleinman's?" I smile mischievous.

"B-but we have 2 more classes."

I plead with my eyes and he gives in. I smiles and quickly pull him out of the school.

I don't really want to punch him that much anymore.

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