Chapter 11

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I was in the seat next to peter looking out for the Space ship we got a Emergancy request on. I can hear Rocket and Gamora arguing about the Request. I sight but smile soon that smile turned to a concern one when i saw something up ahead. "What's that??" I ask peter and everyone turns this way. I get up from my seat and i go to the back. I grab a space suit and i got out the ship. I get my electricity wings out and i fly to the front of the ship near the window. I make a sign that says wait here and i see peter nodd. Before i went i can see Rocket move to my seat so he can keep an eye on me. I turn around and i start to check the area. I see people's bodys floating. What the hell happened here? I move the bodys carefully and then i turn to the ship that was destroyed. I go inside through a hole in the broken ship and i fly around. I see some fire marks and then i see something. I see the request board that was sent to us for help. I go back out of the broken ship and i make my way back. I get there and i see everyone freaking out. I look towards the window and i see someone with short hair and a long cape. I grab the body and i see there still kind of breathing. I fly quickly to the doors and i go inside.

This guy sure is heavy as hell. "Guys! A little help here?" I ask and then i see drax come over. He puts the man on the table and we all look at him. "He's still breathing, he passed out so that means i can wake him up" i hear Mantis say and i nodd my head. I get back and everyone gets ready. Mantis puts her hand on hid forehead and theb her Tentacle's glow and thats wheb he Sprung up and he looked around confused. "Where am i? Who are you guys?" He asks at us but then he looks at me. He is staring at me eyes. "Umm...hi?" I say. He breaks eye contact and then looks around. "Do you have anything to eat im staving" he says and i go to our Fridge and i grab a Chocolate bar and i give it to him.

Then he starts to eat it but asks us something peter didn't want to. "I need to borrow a capsule" he says. "No you will not!" He says making his voice deeper. The guy turns around and he says " are you moking me?" I hear him say. "No i am not!" He says. "Quill are you making your voice deeper?" Asks Rocket and peter turns over. "No i am not!" He says and then i shake my head. "Alright knock it off! You tell us whats yout name and what happened" i say and the guys turns to me. "My names thor i am the god of thunder and i was attacked by Thanos" he says and then i get shocked. "Thanos..." i say and then everyone looks at me. "He's been looking for the Infinity stones, he's trying to kill of half of the Humanity" i say and the. Gamora says something that shocks us,"he's my father" she says and she explains the story and i was shocked. "Y/n i need your help please help me defeat thanos, you can produce electricity and we can help each other" he says and i think about. I can do it, Thanos is like my father and then i look at him in the eyes and i nod. " i will help you thor" i say.


To be continued!

Welcome to the beginning of infinity war! I hope you enjoy and Btw i am sorry this is coming out late its because i had some Difficulty's uploading buts it now working! Please forgive me and asit until the next chapter!! 🤗🤗

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