Chapter 23: Mixed Feelings

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When Jisung and Minho had made it back to their room, Jisung rushed into the bathroom to claim dibs on the first shower which caused Felix and Changbin to shout through their side of the door at the speedy boy for using his gift. Minho, on the other hand, just plopped down on the floor with his back against the side of his bed, so that he wouldn't get his sheets dirty. His mind was still racing a million miles a minute trying to comprehend what had happened during Jisung and Minho's sparring match. 

    He had been forced to put his thoughts on the matter on hold while they were fighting the dummies, but on their way back from class, Minho had noticed that Jisung was avoiding eye contact with him, and he didn't know why.

    Minho didn't know about a lot of things concerning Jisung.

    Why had he wanted to spare Jisung in the first place? Why the hell his heart hurt and his gift gave out the moment Minho heard Jisung yelp in pain during their sparring match? He shouldn't have had a reaction like that one. It was just a sparring match. Something he has done hundreds of times, and something that often ends up in people getting a little hurt. He had known what he was doing wasn't enough to actually injure the younger boy, so why did he panic?

Not to mention what happened after he froze. Why had Jisung stared at him so intently after pinning him to the ground? And more importantly, why did he stare so intently back?

    As Minho let out a sigh after thinking about the entire situation. He was beginning to think that he should just talk to Jisung about it when the boy exited the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and another, smaller towel being rubbed over his head to dry his long locks. Minho's eyes immediately went to the smaller boy's abs, and was pleasantly surprised at how toned they were. He had not been expecting that at all.

    "That was fast."

    "I'm always fast," Jisung said with a slightly playful smile but still refused to look Minho's way. After a moment of silence, Jisung cleared his throat and added, "you should rush into the bathroom and take a shower before Changbin and Felix realize that I'm finished. They are probably too busy cuddling to notice just yet."

    "Uh, yeah. Thanks, I'll go do that."

    And with that Minho got up and took a shower, using someone's shampoo and conditioner already in the shower since he didn't have his own. When he finally got out, he knocked on the door to the other dorm to let Changbin and Felix know they were done and then returned to his own dorm room to find Jisung changed into comfortable yet fashionable clothes, passed out asleep on his bed. Well, so much for talking.


    After three hours, all nine of them promptly met up at the edge of the hallway by the stairs. There were two couches lined against the walls along with a TV, so Minho assumed that it was a more private version of the lounge downstairs. Even after he and Jisung woke up after sleeping off their fatigue from the fighting earlier, the younger still wouldn't look Minho in the eye or say much to him at all. Jisung was definitely avoiding him.

    "I cleared the trip with JYP earlier, so we are good to use the bus," Chan announced as he reached the top of the stairs, just then returning from JYP's office.

"Thank goodness because I was not looking forward to hauling all of you guys three jumps into town and being tired the rest of the night like I was the last time you all decided to sneak out," Felix said relieved.

At Felix's words, Chan immediately turned his head to the youngest two of the group and gave them a raised eyebrow. Jeongin smiled with a guilty face, but Seungmin just shrugged and said, "I have no idea what you are referring to, Felix, and even if I did, I think that our dear leader has no reason to scold us since he snuck out with his friends just earlier this week if I am not mistaken."

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