Chapter 5

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Felix ended up training with Lisa and Jennie for the day, climbing rope ladders that spun around and learning to make fire for most of the day. He stayed clear of weapons, a little intimidated by the other's picking up quickly on how to use them. The boy from 12, the district of lumber, quickly picks up on how to use the tool he's familiar with as a weapon. The girl from 6 seems to have a liking to knives, and Felix can see her handling them multiple times throughout the day.

People dressed in purple would watch them from booths above. Some would take notes, others would watch them like hawks. Felix had fallen off the rock climbing wall at one point: he'd misjudged the space between one rock to another. It resulted in him smashing his elbow on the concrete ground as he fell. Gasping in pain, he could hazily see them looking disappointed as they wrote presumably about him.

Lisa had worked very hard, becoming proficient in self defense and swordplay like Jaebum had recommended she did. She sparred with the trainer, delighted when she finally managed to win, pinning him down. The purple clad people had written down a lot while looking at her.

During lunch, the blonde had eaten with Lisa and Jennie, as well as another team Lisa had befriended during her sparring. He was ravenous for the food, which was a selection of  breads, meats and cheeses.

"Ooh, this meat was super hard to farm in our district," the brown haired boy across from him says, eyeing the marbling meat.

"District 7, hey? Farming." Felix raises an eyebrow at him, noting his chubby cheeks and squirrel like complexion.

He nods, before suddenly starting. "Yeah. Oh, I haven't introduced myself! I'm Han Jisung."

Jisung wipes his hand on his pants before reaching out, giving Felix a handshake. The small boy next to him shyly smiles.

"I'm Yang Jeongin. I think you were really brave to volunteer for your brother."

"Oh, thank you!" Felix instantly likes the small boy, seeing how his smile widens and flashes metal. The blonde vaguely remembers seeing his reaping back on the train. "You have braces?"

"Ah, yeah. I'm from the medicine district. My parents are dentists." He fumbles over his words, embarrassed.

"I'm jealous. My teeth are messed up." Felix shows Jeongin how his teeth twist the wrong way in certain locations, making the younger boy laugh and smile.

He liked Jisung and Jeongin, a lot.

At the end of the day, Felix felt like he had wasted his training. He was currently at the knot tying section after failing the obstacle course, trying to work out a trap that would catch a tribute off guard and pick them up from the ground.

He's kneeling, fiddling with the knot, frowning when it keeps pulling loose.

"You're doing it the wrong way," he hears a voice mumble from next to him, and strong hands slide over his own. The blonde glances up, surprised to see Changbin moving his fingers to show him how to tie it.

"Oh. Thank you." Felix looks down at Changbin's work, seeing how it would now tighten when stepped in.

For the whole day, Changbin had been cooped up in a private room. Even during their one hour lunch break, he hadn't come to join them. He had only left to swap weapons, and watch Felix with mild interest.

Felix had seen him take knives, a sword, different axes and a crossbow into the room. He could tell his proficiency was with the bow and arrow he originally took in with him. A private trainer had stayed with him, and through the window Felix had seen Changbin shooting mannequins through the head. It had made him shiver.

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