Chapter 6

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just so you guys know I spent a good twenty minutes just trying to describe a milkshake, which is aussie slang for being thrown by two people by your arms and legs, without calling it a milkshake


On the third and final day of training, teams are slowly called out after lunch to enter the training room.

The first team was called just as Felix had an put a whole orange slice in his mouth to grin at Jeongin with, and he nearly choked on it.

Whether it was at random or intentional, Felix and Changbin waited a long time in mostly silence as the other teams filed in first. The career teams seemed to be the ones going first, and the two managed to get a good idea for the teams. The bulky boy from 1 was paired with the tiny red haired girl from 10. The smart girl from 4 was with the short boy from 5.

Jisung waves to Felix as he and Jeongin pass, being called in. He wondered what they were going to show.


Lisa takes a seat next to him, smiling. Instead of being in its signature ponytail, she had braided it back and low.

"A bit," he says, as the next team is called. Jackson Wang and Park Jihyo.

Theres only four more teams remaining now, with 11 having already gone through. The blonde felt more and more worried as time ticked past.

What if it was too boring? He'd gotten dressed this morning into shorts and a shirt in preparation. He gently reaches out to grip Lisa's hand, and she smiles, squeezing it.

After a few minutes, Lisa and Jennie are called in, and she gives his shoulder an affectionate squeeze before heading in. 3 left.

Changbin seemed bothered by Lisa's temporary presence, his arms folded.

"So, what's your relationship with her?"


The black haired boy seems irritated. "You and the girl from your district. You always hold hands with her."

Felix can see him scowling, his leg jiggling up and down. The blonde chuckles.

"I've known Lisa since we were little. We're friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

He seems to relax slightly at that.

Their names are called, and they hurriedly head into the room.

It's strange seeing the room so empty. The survival stations were packed away, leaving a large empty space in the centre.

"State your names." A bored game maker speaks into a mouth piece, the sound blasting across the room. At least ten are above them, drinking and laughing, with only the single game maker paying attention.

"Seo Changbin and Lee Felix." The black haired boy quickly responds. The game maker waves at them to begin, looking like he'd much rather be enjoying the party happening behind him than watching them.

Felix walks with Changbin to the weapons rack, watching him pick up a sword, a set of arrows and a length of wire. "Aren't they all supposed to be watching?"

Jaebum had told him that morning over breakfast to focus on holding his breath for as long as he could. The game makers would probably be impressed if they could see the length of time he could spend under there, but his mentor had warned him they may lose concentration towards the end of the day.

He understood now what Jaebum meant.

"What are you going to do?" Felix quizzes, seeing him wrapping the wire around the steel sword.

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