Chapter 15

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Felix wakes up to rain dripping onto his nose.

He blinks, startled by the coldness, but relaxes when he remembers where they are. A layer of fog had fallen over the arena, cloaking the two in their hiding place. They were safe.

For now.

Felix groans, pressing his face into Changbin's bronzed neck and inhaling in his warm scent. In the short time they had been together, he found this was his favorite position, tucked into the elder's side.

It had been a cold night. Changbin had the bright idea of removing the reflective panels on their jackets, so the two had spent a few hours breaking the thread that bound them using sharp rocks and sticks. With the leftover raincoats made into a makeshift shelter, it at least protected them from the weather.

The forest remained quiet, broken only by the chirping of birds and rustle of trees. Felix relaxes again, only to flinch as another drip of water fall onto his injured cheek.

He huffs, scrunching up his face, and Changbin roughly chuckles. The elder turns, pressing his lips to Felix's forehead. The shelter could only protect them so much from the periodic raindrops that fell.

Felix sighs, content. Nuzzling up to kiss Changbin, the blonde wished this moment would last forever, but knew that in this situation he needed to cherish it instead.

His first and maybe last love was here in the Hunger Games arena. Should he tell him? Feeling fear in his chest, Felix returned to his position against Changbin's broad chest, thinking about the games.

How many days had been spent here? How many tributes had been lost? Felix could hardly remember at this point, having lost track. Countless faces of the dead pass through his mind, making him feel numb. Jeongin and Jisung's faces were pushed to the back of his mind, always lurking but Felix didn't dare let it surface.

As an added bonus to their stress levels, Soohyun was still out there. Any moment spend resting like this made them an easier target. They needed to keep moving

They remain cuddling like that for a moment before getting to business. Changbin stretches, wincing as the red burns and marks move against his skin, before standing and folding up their makeshift tent.

They had no weapons, no supplies, and no food. Survival looked bleak, but they needed to keep moving. Felix crinkles a smile at Changbin as he watches him work, wincing in pain as the scabs on his cheek crack.

Changbin had grown a lot thinner since they had first entered the games. His muscles and build, once slightly stockier, were now skinny from malnutrition. His lips were chapped and red, and dark circles dusted his eyelids. Burns laced the elder's arms, red and painful. How on earth had he carried him for so long yesterday?

Felix didn't want to imagine what he looked like to Changbin, lightly touching his cheek. Embarrassment flushed through his system. His nails had been bitten down into brittle stumps, and his skin and hands were dirty. A knot had formed in his blonde hair, caked from sweat from when he was sick.

Having full mobility again felt good.

"Let's go," Changbin says, tying the plastic into a makeshift bag over his shoulder. He holds a hand out for Felix to take, expectant. The blonde's heart flutters, and he reaches out to grip it.

The two walk hand in hand through the forest, in no particular direction. Their main focus was to find food and water.

Felix frowns, periodically checking bushes for berries. Changbin, holding a couple stones, scanned the sky for birds. However, they probably wouldn't even be able to start a fire to cook any meat.

May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour • changlixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن