Chapter 12

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"Changbin!" Felix's deep voice rips through the dark forest, desperate regardless of how stupid shouting in the middle of the Hunger Games was. Trying to follow the voices proved to be difficult. It seemed to come from one direction, and then another, leading him into a seemingly endless maze.

The moment he entered the forest, Felix was lost. The dark shadowy trees, stark white ghost gums, and strange spiky plants made it impossible to know the way back. They whipped his face and clothes as he passed. Thorns got caught in his hair and clothes, leaving spiky indents.

The voices become more desperate the louder they grew, driving Felix near insane with panic. He wished he could run.

Finally, the blonde had managed to nearly make it before his leg gave out entirely.

Crashed on the forest floor and unable to continue moving, Felix cries out, frustrated. The voices stung his heart.

"Chan!" Whimpering in pain, he drops the spear and presses his hands over his ears, willing it to all go away. "Changbinnie!"

The voices taunted him, changing in tone. It seemed to come from all angles, jeering and laughter mixed with the screams from his family.

Laughter of the fallen. He could hear Lisa's high pitched giggle cutting through the din.

It made him feel sick.

He lets out a scream, voice cracking, pressing his hands over his ears.

Then, strong hands are on his shoulders.

Felix refuses to look up, until he is made to by the hands moving to cup his jaw. His face is angled up, making him whimper.

In the dark, he can make out a longer face and haunted eyes.  Changbin.

He's shouting something at Felix, but he can't understand it through the sound. A sob rips through his chest as the voices grow louder still, mingling with his own screams.

The black-haired boy's hands slip down to shake his shoulders now, turning to look back at something in the woods. Felix can barely register what is happening until he sees the glint of another tributes jacket. The boy from District 3, Jackson, emerges. A throwing axe was ready in his hands, reflecting off the shadowy moonlight.

And then, he's being scooped up by Changbin bridal style. Still with his hands clasped over his ears, he sobs as Changbin tries to run from the tribute. They get a few metres before the black-haired boy suddenly drops to the floor, tripping.

Winded and sprawled across the floor a few metres ahead, Felix's panic intensifies when he sees the axe sticking out of Changbin's shoulder.

Suddenly, the voices didn't matter anymore.

"Changbin!" Felix screamed out the black-haired boys name as Jackson catches up and steps on his back, digging the axe into his shoulder more. A smug smile is on his lips as he watches Changbin's face twist in pain.

He yanks it out, causing Changbin to yell, teeth gritted. Blood pooled to the surface of his long sleeve shirt, red glinting in the faint light.

Jackson raises the axe again to finish the job, but Felix is already on his feet.

Ignoring the horrible pain in his leg, he lunges at the bigger boy. Caught off guard, the two tumble to the floor of the forest as Felix punches whatever part of Jackson he could reach.

He smashes his nose with his fist, causing the brown-haired Jackson to snarl and shout something at Felix. Being bigger, he manages to roll them over before pinning the small blonde down with his knees.

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