Chapter One:

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Okay so hey everyone! this is my first time doing this so if you enjoy it please comment and vote it will help a lot! I want to thank all my amazing friends for being patient with me and helping me with this adams08187, Baailey_Mason , toriiijadeee, mollyconnor and TaylahMuse. Okay enjoy!!! <3 Isabella1998

All material in this book is, unless otherwise stated, the property of Isabella Ruddy. Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

© Copyright 2014 Isabella Ruddy


Annabelle's POV:

I stand there applying clear lip gloss to my lips, before spraying perfume onto my top and heading downstairs, with my purple satchel slung over my shoulder. I grab a red apple and a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge and sit at the counter, waiting for my older brother Jay to come and take me to school. As the word 'school' flitters through my mind, butterflies explode in my stomach and my palms become sweaty. This is my senior year and everything has changed, how will this year go?

I hear the shower turn off and as I get up and throw my bottle and apple core out, Jay comes down the stairs. I throw him an energy bar and a bottle of water and we head out the front door.

'You need to get a ride home tonight, or catch the bus because I have to stay out late. OK?' Jay says, as we pull into the school parking lot, ten minutes early

'Yeah I got it. See you at the house' I close the car door and slinging my bag over my shoulder, I head inside and towards the office. I grab my new schedule and locker number, which is the same as it has been since freshman year. I open my locker and shove my bag in, before grabbing out my books and stationary.

'Belle!' I turn around just as two tanned skinny arms, are thrown around my neck

'Hey Max!' I grin at Maxine, my best friend

'How are you? I missed you! How was Australia?' she beams her beautiful smile and I see a few heads turn

'I'm good. I missed you too. It was OK, but hot' I laugh, but she detects the slight strain and loses her smile

'You OK, belle? How was it? Was it hard?' she lowers her voice

'I'm fine, and it was OK, it was hard but I got through it' I say and remember seeing all the mourners’ faces and the two graves being buried into the ground. Tears fill my eyes, but they don't spill, they never do. I blink and swallow the lump in my throat, before plastering on a fake smile

'OK well I'm here to talk' she hugs me, softer this time and then turns and waves to someone and I see that it's Dylan, the final person in our band of misfits. He waves back and comes over. I see a few people stop and stare. He has black hair and is very tall, with muscles and an eyebrow piercing, he's the definition of a hot bad boy. But Max and I know he is really just a big softy

'Hey girls, how's it going?' he grins and hugs Maxine, then me

'It's going great. But I have to go, so I'll see you guys at lunch' I turn and walk away, but not before I catch the pity in both their eyes and then hear Dylan whisper 'is she OK?' and I know Max shook her head to say no, but I just keep walking. I don't need to see any more of the pity and helplessness in their eyes

'Oh my god, did you hear about that girl, Annabelle? Her parents-' the girl cuts off as I walk out of the toilet stall and I throw her a glare. She gives me a sheepish before her and her friend scurry out of the bathroom, leaving me alone.

I wash my hands and stare into the mirror. I don't even recognise the girl looking back at me. How did things change so fast? What did I do to deserve this? What did they do to deserve that? I rush out of the bathroom as the bell goes and head to my first class. I sit at the back and only nod at Max when she walks in and sits to my right. She gives me a worried look but doesn't say anything. She knows me to well. I get a few stares as people come into the class, but I just keep my head down and pretend to be interested in my nails.

The day seems to drag on and when it's finally lunch I fall into my seat and rest my head on the table. Dylan wraps one muscled arm around me and I bury deep into his neck. I hear Max come and sit down on the other side of me and feel her pat my back comfortingly

'I can't do it anymore, they keep staring and whispering' my voice cracks and they wait for me to cry but I don't, I can't.

'Do you want me to take you home?' Dylan asks, but before I can answer, a hush falls over the cafeteria and from the way my heart picks up and my palms get sweaty, I know who it is. Daniel.

'Annabelle? Is that you?' His voice sends shivers down my spine. I look up and meet his gorgeous green eyes, as he brushes his light brown hair from his face and smiles at me. People start talking again, but keep throwing us curious looks. Guess they didn't know the head jock would talk to anyone besides his loser friends

'I have to go' I stand up and grabbing my bag, I head out of the cafeteria and lock myself into a toilet cubicle. I hope this isn't becoming a habit. I sit there for the rest of lunch.

'Everyone was talking about you and Daniel at lunch' Max exclaims as she plonks herself down next to me in English

'Well hello to you to' I laugh sourly and she throws me a look. I hold my hands up in mock surrender 'what are they saying?' I ask. Not really caring what everyone has to say but wanting to appease her

'They are all wondering if you guys are secretly dating and that's why you were gone such a long time...' she trails off when I give her a look of horror

'Daniel and I? No way' I say a bit too loudly, making a few people turn around and give me odd looks

'Belle' Max hisses, I blush and duck my head. I grab a pen as the teacher walks in and the conversation is put on hold. I love English so much that I plan to be an author and an English teacher when I graduate.

'Okay so we are going to start with a project' a collective groan rings throughout the class. A smile blooms on my face, I enjoy English projects and Mrs Tinley always assigns the best topics

When the class quietens down Mrs Tinley carries on 'as I was saying, we are starting with a project so that I can see where everyone is at and how people are going to work for the rest of the year. Now I'm going to explain it and then partner you off and you will start straight away. What we are going to do is come up with ten questions to ask our partner and then write an essay, a poem or a story on what we have found out about that person' I grin, I like this idea and I know so much about Max already, so it's going to be easy. I won’t even have to ask her ten questions, I could get started tonight

'Maxine and James' she says and my heart drops. No! But I don't like anyone else!

When I hear my name called I look up in time to hear her say 'Daniel' What? No, anyone but Daniel! I’ll even partner with the guy at the front of the room who smells like urine! Just not Daniel!

'Annabelle' he sits down next to me and I greet him with a glare, before turning to Mrs Tinley

'Miss, can I please swap partners?' I beg

'No Annabelle, you can’t' she states bluntly and then turns and walks over to another group

'Guess you're stuck with me' he laughs and I glare at him before grabbing my book and a pen

'Lucky me' I hiss under my breath and he chuckles. This is going to be a very long and draining project

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