Chapter 2

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I am taken to a small house.. And I can hear yelling inside. "Are you sure this is the place?"

He just ignores me and busts the door down. A couple minutes pass, then he comes out with a man with spiky hair like him.
"Kakarot, teach this brat how to fly for me."

The other guy looks clueless, but walks up to me and puts his hand out. "Hi, my name is Goku! Tell me yours."

I shake his hand, confused. "My name is (y/n).. Just a sec." I stomp towards Vegeta "THAT IDIOT IS NOT TEACHING ME HOW TO FLY! YOU ARE!" I whisper to him "He looks like a freakin clown with black hair instead of red!"

What I said was music to Vegeta's ears, since he hates Goku.

"Oh, and why did you call him Kakarot? He said his name was Goku."

"That's his saiyan name. I call him that so he doesn't forget his roots."

"So... he's a saiyan too?" I start to slowly walk back to Goku. "Y'now, he seems a bit nicer sooo... I'll just learn to fly with him." I laugh nervously.

Vegeta suddenly grabs my arm. "No. You're training with me now."


Goku was so clueless to what was going on..

A woman walks out of the house. "Okay Goku, I-" She looks at Vegeta holding my arm, and Goku just standing there.

I blush a little, pulling my arm away.

The woman looks at me suspiciously. "You better be able to fight well if you want Vegeta..."

I blush even more. "NONONO, YOU COULDN'T BE MORE WRONG! I was about to learn to fly with that idiot, not grumpy pants over there.."

Vegeta grunts "I'm not grumpy.. I'm just tense."

The woman crosses her arms. "Can you fight though? If you can't win against me, Vegeta is allowed to leave."

"Bring it on, lady!" I get in my fighting pose, which is 'oddly' similar to Vegeta's.

The woman comes at me. I move to the side of her jabbing hands, grabbing her arm and twisting it. I then use low kick like a friggin pokemon, making her fall.

"You didn't even put up a fight." My (e/c) eyes have a sudden sharpness to them. I step on her head. "Oh, does that hurt? I'm sorry.. you're the one who asked for the fight!"

Vegeta stares at me like i'm crazy. "You're merciless.. perfect, let's go."

I snap out of it, looking at him. "But you seem rude.. and mean... and your face creeps the hell outta me."

"SHUT UP ABOUT MY FACE AND COME ON! If you don't, you'll die." He glares at me.

"Okay, okay.." I start to follow him while that other saiyan helps the lady. I feel like I got on bad terms with that clown..

At the training grounds

I'm at a field with a house in the middle of it. "Is that your house?"


A little kid with purple hair comes running out, looking at us. "Dad! Who's that?" The small child flies up to me, staring.

"Woah, you have a son?!" She looks at the adorable little boy.

"Yeah.. Trunks, this is (y/n)." Vegeta crosses his arms.

Trunks smiles, whispering into Vegeta's ear. "Is this yer girlfriend? Is she gonna be my new mommm?" Trunks whirls around, excited.

Vegeta blushes a tiny bit.
"No. She's just here to learn how to fly."

The boy then slumps, sitting on the ground. "Aww.. well can I help train her once she can fly?" He rises back up quickly.

"No. That's my job.. you're too weak. Can you even destroy a planet?"

"Of course I can! Everyone we know can! Except that satan guy.. and the dude with the funky hair and scar over his eye."

"DESTROY.. A PLANET?!" That's it.. I'm leaving. I start walking away from this crazy place.

Vegeta grabs my wrist, pulling me back to the field. "You wanna fly or not? Once we're done, I can train you."

Trunks grabs my arm. "I wanna train her! I've never trained anyone before!"

"Trunks, ugh.. we can take turns..." He crosses his arms while Trunks runs around in circles.

"JUST TEACH ME HOW TO FLY! ONE OF YOU!" I'm starting to get irritated.

Vegeta signals for me to follow him, walking out into the field.

I follow him, not being able to wait much longer. "Finally!"

The Saiyan Prince ( Vegeta X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now