Chapter 4

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With Vegeta and Trunks' help, I can fly like a pro now. "This is awesome!" I stop flying, running up to Vegeta. "I guess this is goodbye?"

"Oh- no, that was only the start.. I'll make you so strong, even I can't beat you." Vegeta smirks.

"Wait, what? How do I do that?" As far as I know, humans aren't strong compared to 'saiyans'.

Vegeta's hair turns blue, and a mystical aura surrounds him. "This is Super Saiyan Blue.. a power equal to that of a god's."

I stare in awe.. I've never seen something so beautifulll! "A.. god power? So you're some sort of deity?!"

"Yes, I believe so..."

I can't help but touch his hair. "Woah.. that sent chills up my spine~!"

"Uh.. well I guess it would do that." His hair turns back to black. "Try to hit me."

"Hit you? Well, alright." I try to punch his face, but he just dodges.

"You're so slow.. Hm. I have an idea..." He disappears, soon coming back with tons of rocks.

"What are these for?" I look at him.

"I'll throw them at you, and you try to dodge." He puts the pile of rocks next to him, picking one up.

"Err.. won't that hurt?" I step back so it's easier to dodge.

"If you move out of the way, it won't.. now get ready."

I tense up, keeping my eye on the rock. He throws it while I was just barely able to dodge. It was.. so fast!!

The rocks just keep coming, and while I try to dodge, some hit me. "Can yOU, pleaSE, slOw dOOoOoown!?" It was difficult for me to talk, since I keep jumping.

"No. You need to get faster, and this is a good way to train. Kakarot's boy did this before Buu attacked.." He starts to throw the rocks even faster.

Even though they're quicker, I start to see the pattern. I smirk, moving faster like the rocks. "I guess you're right! I sure am getting a good workout.."

Vegeta changes the pattern and throws the final rock at my face.

I bend backwards, falling back.

"You dodged it... you have good reflexes for a human." He crosses his arms.

I think for a moment. "What if i'm not human? Maybe i'm some kind of alien that looks like a human.. Like.. Like a saiyan!"

"You're way too weak to be a saiyan.. the only way we could find out for sure is if you went Super Saiyan, which isn't easy at all. You'd have to be really mad to trigger it."

"Well why don't we try it that way? Make me really mad!"

"You're always too sad to get mad.. so it's a waste of time. Maybe you should just gohan home and talk to your imaginary friends..." He smirks. ('Gohan' home XD)


"Oh yeah? Who?" He crosses his arms, raising one eyebrow at me.

"Erm.. you...-'re son?" I start to sweat.

"Nice try, but he wouldn't be friends with some lightweight like you."


"Oh, sorry strong-willed strong popular person.. I didn't know strong could also mean WEAK!"

"Oh, so you're saying you're weak? At least you aren't in denial.." I clench my fists, wanting to punch that stupid hairline.

A vain pops out of his head as he turns super saiyan. "I'M NOT IN DENIAL, YOU SCRAWNY LITTLE GIRL!"

I can't take it anymore! I punch his face, leaving a mark. "I'M NOT A LITTLE GIRL! I AM AN ADULTTT!"

He turns back to normal, looking at me like i'm some stranger telling him to get in the van cause there's candy in my pocket. "Gah, how did you hit so hard?!"

"Er.. I'm strong like I said?" I look at my fists, then the mark it left.

"Hmm.. do you have a pet or loved object? I need to destroy it if you do." He talks about it like it's normal.


"Hmmm.. oh, I have an idea." He flies in the direction of the city, then quickly comes back with food. "What if I eat this all and don't give it to you?"

I gasp. "You wouldn't dare.." I fly after him.

"Nope!" He quickly eats it all. VERY quickly.

"How.. dare you..!" The ground starts to shake as I clench my fists.. "HAAAAAAAAA!" My hair turns yellow, and an aura surrounds me. "I wanted those fries..."


Lmao I'm pretty sure most people would turn super saiyan for food

The Saiyan Prince ( Vegeta X Fem Reader )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz