Chapter 6

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I've decided to take my time flying through the scenic route.. I really don't wanna train twice as hard. Before I knew it, I was already there. "Great, time for hell.."

Vegeta was standing at the spot where they train, tapping his foot. He is looking the other direction from me. "Where is she? Doesn't she know i'm impatient..?"

I sigh, not ready for training. But it wouldn't be smart to keep him waiting, so I land behind him silently. "BOO!"

"AH!" Vegeta jumps, not expecting that.

I laugh. "Aww, the tough little Vegeta got scared! How adorable.."

He blushes a little, barely visible. "Ya didn't have to do that.. and since you did, i'll make the training 3 ti-"

I cover his mouth. "No you won't."

Vegeta would say something, but the woman always wins.

I take my hand off. "Good. I'm glad we agree. Now let's get this training over with..."

"Fine.." Vegeta starts with the usual.

~Funny fun train tracks~

I'm laying on the grass, panting. Almost the whole time we were training, I kept thinking about his embarrased face and laughing. He just looks so funny when he's scared! I may be sweating, but that was fun! I'm starting to like this 2x training.

"(Y/N)!" Vegeta yelled my name for the 4th time.

"What- huh?!" I was zoned out, but I snapped out of it.

"Here.." He crouches down and gives me a towel so I can get rid of the sweat. "That was just practice. Think of it as 1.5x training.. once break time is over, we'll start 2x."

What he said broke my concentration. Only 1.5x.. now 2x... time for hell.... I'm gonna die here... "Tell my cat I love her.. I won't survive this..." I sit up and take the towel.

Vegeta grunts. "You'll survive.. By the time we're done, tomorrow you can do it easily. You've got saiyan blood.."


Vegeta totally forgot. "Dammit.."

I grin. "Now I don't have to train like this tomorrow! Haha!"

"Can't you just tell him he's too weak and you'll just train with me instead?" His voice had the slightest hint of jealousy in it.

"Hmm.. why do you wanna train with me so bad? You aren't usually this desperate..." I start to get suspicious.

"Er.. I just want someone to train with? And you're better than Kakarot." He was trying his hardest to be in denial of why he wants to train me.

"I'm not buying it. You would never say i'm better than Kakarot because that's a compliment. And you're talking about it like after tomorrow i'll never come back!" I was getting REALLY suspicious now..

"Uhm.. Trunks is such a good teacher that i'll have nothing left to teach you?"

I decide not to ask why he wants to train me so bad cause he'll just keep saying excuses. "Fine."

"What?" His face changes from desperate to surprised.

"Fine, i'll only train with you from now on to the end of time itself."

Vegeta tries to hold back his grin, but it comes out as a cute tiny smile.

"Aww, now that's adorable!" I smile too.

"Wha- no it's not!" Vegeta covers his mouth, embarrassed.

Wait a minute, that was supposed to be inside my head! "Yes it is! You've never really smiled like that." I just go with it, since it's not like I can turn back time.

Vegeta blushes, turning his back to me. "You'll regret saying that for the next week.."

I could hear the smile in his voice, but I decide to let him think I didn't. "Aw c'mon! You can't make the training harder every time I say something you don't like! I may as well go back to switching between you two.."

He crosses his arms. "No can do. You already said you'll train with me.."

"But i'm the one that made the decision! Therefore I should be able to change it!"

"I'm the one that will train you. Therefore I should be the one to keep it that way!" He grunts.

"I can choose what I want! I'm the one being trained, you know! You ever thought of how I feel while we train? I'm not as powerful as you..." My expression turns from angry to sad.

Vegeta's eyes widen slightly, and it looks as if he's thinking about what I said thoroughly. He tries to hide his emotions again, but he just frowns, not giving much effort. "I'm sorry.." He mumbles almost to where I can't hear him.

"You're what?"

"I said i'm sorry, idiot." He sits down to my level.

I can feel my face getting a little hot. He's.. sorry? I couldn't help but smile at how cute he is. "It's alright.. you're like a strict teacher at a school. You only want the best for your student."

Vegeta stares at me, like he's lost in thought. His onyx eyes aren't as piercing as normal..

"Vegeta?" I check to see if he was thinking.

"What?" His gaze breaks and his eyes avert away from mine.

"What were you thinking about?" I was curious.. very curious. I wanted to know what made him so mellow.

"Nothing important.." He looks up at the sky, standing up. "It's gotten late.. I advise you go home now."

"Actually.. I was thinking we could have sort of a sleepover!" I grin.


≧﹏≦ I'm so excited for you guys to read the next chapter!! It's adorable~~

The Saiyan Prince ( Vegeta X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now