Chapter Over 9 THOUSANDDDD!

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"WHAT" Trunks stared at them.

"AH! TRUNKS!" Me and Vegeta look at Trunks, startled.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! HAH!" Trunks can't contain his excitement.

"No, that's not what we were doing!-" I try to make it sound like we weren't kissing, but he wouldn't believe me.


"THAT WAS MY CONFESSION, TRUNKS! We weren't lying yesterday..." That was his one and only romantic moment and Trunks just had to go and ruin it. You can see the anger in Vegeta's face.

"Oh.. really? WELL THAT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER, I JUST WITNESSED YOUR FIRST KISS!" Trunk's excited level was OVER 9000!

"JUST GET OUT! I WANT TO TALK TO HER!" Vegeta just wanted some peace and quiet for crying out loud.

"Fiiine.." Trunks smiles, walking back in his room.

Vegeta sighs and looks back at me. "I'm.. sorry about Trunks. He can be a real pai-"

I kiss him back on the lips, throwing my arms around his neck. "Don't sweat it.. that's how annoying kids can be.

Vegeta really didn't expect me to do that, cause his eyes look like they're gonna pop out. "Wait.. so you really..."

"Yup! I love you~" This may be a little embarrassing, but I completely realized it once he said he was thinking of me that night.

What I said was music to his ears. Vegeta kissed me one more time, and since he was getting used to this, the blush started to fade from his face. "I just can't resist.. I've been holding back my feelings almost the whole time, so it's nice to get this off my chest..." He smiles warmly.

"That smile is just too cute.. it'd be nice if you could smile more when we train."

"I do smile! Kind of.."

"That's called a smirk, Vegeta.." I snicker, fully embracing him. "But that's one of the things I like about you.. the fact that you keep your feelings hidden and act tough."

Vegeta hugs me back. "Y'now.. you make me feel different than Bulma ever could."

I de-embrace(?) "Is it because i'm a saiyan? Or cause that Bulma woman is an ass.." I snicker, kinda joking.

"Ugh, I got tired of her shit so we dropped it."

"How would you feel if I was with Kakarot? Jealous?"

"Definitely.. only the prince deserves to be with most likely the only female saiyan! I'm lucky her attitude is just how the elites like it." Vegeta would murder Kakarot once and for all if I was with him, that's for sure.

"I love how you're dedicated to being the prince.. it sounds much better than king. But does this mean i'm pretty much the princess of all saiyans?" I smile, resting my chin on my hand.

"I guess it does. We'll rule the cosmos together!" Vegeta takes the other hand, smiling.

"I've never seen this side of you, are you sure it's the real Vegeta speaking?"

"I'm sure it's me.. I just like being with another saiyan."

"LMAO I just thought of the funniest thing.. you and Kakarot. Since he was the only other saiyan before you met me."

Vegeta looks at me like he's disappointed in reality. "Who the fuck would think of something as DISGUSTING as me and Kakarot?!"

"Idk, there's gotta be SOMEONE out there.." (foreshadowing another fanfic much?)

"Hold on, do you remember anything on Planet Vegeta? Like a class of saiyans?"

"Hm? No, no idea."

"You may be in the elite class, cause you figured out how to go super saiyan really quickly."

"Ooo, really?!"

"Yeah, and you might've been sent here to exterminate the human race like Kakarot.." Vegeta was starting to unravel the mystery.

"That's awesome! Should I like.. go and kill everyone right now?" Something deep inside of me wanted to murder every human one by one.

"Uhh.. probably not. Me and Kakarot have saved the earth; not to mention the universe multiple times. So killing every human will make our sacrifices and hard work a waste of time." Vegeta thought of when he used self destruct against Majin Buu and grumbled.

"Oh yeah.. were you ever evil?"

"Yes.. when I first arrived on this planet, my only goal was to kill Kakarot and then sell this planet once I killed the humans. I heard of this planet from a saiyan named Raditz, who is Goku's brother. Though, Piccolo killed him.. Goku died to defeat him too."

"That's a lot of dying, how are you guys still alive again?"

"The dragon balls, they can grant any wish. They do have some rules though. You can only bring someone back once."

"Have you guys died multiple times?"

"Yeah, most of us have. We use the Namekian dragon balls to bring us back now."

"Who is that Piccolo guy you mentioned?"

"He's a Namekian. A green nobody who has died more times than anyone, and half of those times are to protect Gohan."

"Who's Gohan?" I was getting interested in all these fighters.

"You ask a lot of questions.. but he's Kakarot's other son. He is a nerd, but has a hidden reserve of strength he can only get to if he's angry."

"Woaaaah! Can I meet these guys?"

"I mean.. if you want."

"Let's go right now! RIGHT THIS DAMN INSTANT!" I wanna meet and fight all these guys!

"Err.. okay then. I'll lead you to Piccolo first."

We both get up, flying out the door and into the sky.


Mmm time for pickle the alien~~

Actually wait sorry for this useless chapter lmao

The Saiyan Prince ( Vegeta X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now