Chapter 3: Lunch

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We sit down at the table, everything like the fucking Kardashian's are coming to wine and dine.

I look down at my plate and oh fuck there are more forks that numbers I can count I'm pretty how do you say ah yes DUMB.

I pick up the smallest fork because underdog and Serg always tells me to go for the underdog so.

Right when I pick the tiny little fork Phillip smiles "what are you smiling at you goof?"

"Oh, nothing continue please" whatever I put the tiny fork down and grab another one and when I here Phillips stupid stupid chuckle "can you stop watching me fail miserably and help me."

"Sorry, so you start from the outside in easy, right."

Yeah it's so fucking simple a baby could do it" I say with an eye roll and after I say it I here Phillips stupid chuckle AGAIN "what's so funny."

"Its nothing."

"No please tell me."

"its just that... you said a bad word" you have got to be shitting me.

"Ugh, what? are you in kindergarten? are you going to tell the teacher?" I kind of said that in a joking way, but in an angry tone "sorry I didn't mean to yell, well speak in an angry tone."

"Oh don't worry I like it when your mean" I kind of have a dirty mind so when he said that, well... you can imagen "gross."

"Oh no I, I didn't mean it that way, I'm so sorry" he looks so worried "its fine just never say it again" I know it was rude to answer him like that but I'm not the only person who has bad parents well parent in my case if you heard what some of them do to there kids you would be grossed out too.

After that awkward conversation all was quiet.

I can't take it anymore the awkward silence is killing me "so have you guys always lived in the states?" when I said that I feel like we all felt a wave of relief.

"No we use to live in England but since Phillip."

That explains a lot when we were in the kitchen I heard a faint British accent "have you always lived here?"

"Yes, well... no" that was amazing Maya you literally gave them two opposite answers "I don't understand."

"Yeah, me neither" see, see litterally I'm confused to, good one Maya

"When I was little I lived in Mexico but I moved here when I like, um... 2 or 3 years old so I don't remember it."

"So that's why you have that weird accent" I don't have an accent, or do I? Great know I feel self conscious."do I really have an accent?"

"Only when you say certain words" great know I'm going to stay up night thinking about it "I think its cute."

"Thank you pretty boy" when I said that all of the guys turned to look at me and Phillip "Omg you guys are such a cute couple."

"Wait, what? we are not dating I literally just met him today" I don't think they care "so, have you never seen Cinderella or any Disney princess movie."

"Number one: do you really believe in that love at first sight shit because I don't and number two: no I have never seen Cinderella" did I say something wrong because lo of them are looking at me as if I just got shot.

"Um did I do something, Oh my god do I have something in my face?" even after I say that all is quiet, is there someone or something behind me "was it the love at first sight thing?"

"No, it was the Cinderella thing" wait, what? I'm confused I just said that I hadn't seen it "what about it?"

"That you've never seen it, its a time less classic" so let me understand... I left them speechless because I haven't seen a kids movie? Yes that makes so much sense.

"its just a movie"

"Ju- just a movie, its not just a movie."

"Okay, then what is it."

"Its Disney's savior" bitch what? I don't I God know I'm speechless "I don't understand."

"Well then let me explain when Disney was down on the dumps and had know money they made Cinderella and boom, boom pow Disney blew up."

"So, its still just a movie"  so the movie made a lot of money... cool, I suppose"JUST A MOVIE, Phillip I cant look at your girlfriend anymore-"

"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND" he didn't have to yell it's a fucking miracle that I talk to him.

"I don't care, go upstairs to the theater and watch Cinderella."

"We haven't finished eating and Ethan hasn't even gotten here."

"Its fine, go take your plates upstairs and I'll tell you when Ethan gets here" we weren't sure if he was serious "come on go, go, GO."

"If you insist" Phillip stands up and grabs his plate but I'm still not sure if to leave "come on, you need to watch Cinderella."

was he serious? were we really watching Cinderella.

Well what the fuck I stand up grab my plate and follow Phillip to why I asume is his room and I'm just going to say this I think his room is bigger than my house.

"why are we in your room?"

"Don't worry I just came to get my phone" while he search's I'm going to sit on his bed because it look like a marshmallow cloud hybrid "so tell me about yourself?"

"what do you want to know?"

"Oh just the basics like... have you had your first kiss? who was it? where was it?" I'm shocked I didn't think it was gonna be these questions"oh, so where heading straight to the juicy questions I see."

"You don't have to answer them if you don't want to."

"No I don't care. Okay so... yes I've had my first kiss, it was with my first boyfriend well my ex-boyfriend on a park bench know your turn."

"Okay so I haven't had my first kiss, don't know who it will be with and I don't know were it will be" that's cute shocking because well he's beautiful but... cute.

"really... no first kiss."


"I can kinda surta understand virgin where 16 but no first kiss" I can see Phillip getting tense "okay can we forget I ever said anything and go watch a movie."

"Fine pretty boy."

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