Chapter 4: Movie hits

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We enter the room and Oh my God he has an actual mini movie theater in his house I should be surprised but I've expected that his a rich white boy "this is... pretty... um cool."

We sit in this huge couch in front of the fucking amazing as super big TV "so what do you want to watch?"

I start thinking, and thinking but all that comes to me is freaking Cinderella god know I have to watch it "Cinderella"

"are you sure?"

I think about it "just play it before I change my mind."

"Which one should we watch? animated or live action?"

"If you watch the live action one I'll kill you" when we herd that we both started laughing it clearly was Phillips brother, Toby "okay, and stop eves dropping."

We started watching the movies out 30 minutes ago and not gonna lie it's a pretty good movie "I see why your brother likes this movie so much."

"We haven't even gotten to the good part."

"And which is that part."

"obviously when she gets to the ball and they fall in love" I roll my eyes that's why I like this movie but not love it teaches people that by just seeing someone you fall in love THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS.

"didn't think you were the lovey-dovey kind of guy" I'm lying the moment I heard he hadn't gotten his first kiss I knew he was that guy.

"I'm not, I just love well... love" really, really that's his argument he tells me his not lovey-dovey but then he tells me he loves love what the fuck?

"Exactly lovey-dovey" he agreed  "hey what time is it?"

"Its 7:00pm, why do you ask?"

"Oh nothing but you know what I should really get going."

"Oh, ok do you want me to take you?" I think about it for a while  you know what se la vie my dad is not going to be home so what the hell "sure"

I grab my stuff and take my plate down while Phillip grabs his keys  "wear are you going?" I turn around to see who said that and I see Phillips brother

"I'm just gonna take Maya home."

"So soon" ah cute there sad kinda weird to because I literally just met the buy cute none the less"we didn't even get to know her."

"Don't worry I'll be back" that cheers them up a little bit "yes please come back when ever you want. Mi casa es tu casa" I cringed when he said that, that's literally the worst Spanish accent EVER.

"Bye and hey love the speaking in Spanish thing" he smiled when I said that as if he's proud but he shouldn't be that's the worst Spanish speaking.

We got out of the house and got on Phillips motorcycle and drove of.

We get to my house, I grab my stuff, turn around... that's weird the lights and TV are on I can swear I turned them-

And then a huge wave of realization hit me.

Shit my dad got home early I'm going to die.

"Ok, bye" when he said that he gave me a kiss on the cheek witch knocked me out of my trance "bye... um bye."

I walk over to the front door and start making up a plan and after a few seconds with literally nothing that came to mind I decided to run for it cause at this point what have I got to lose? FUCK IT.

I got to my room and shut the door but couldn't lock it because my dad took the lock out. I sat there drawing on an old peace of paper when out nowhere my dad stormed in "you little bitch" he looked drunk out of his mind.

"I'm sorry" he looked even angrier when I said that "what are you sorry for."


"You don't even know" who should I? "you took the money."

Bitch what are you taking about I haven't taken any money since the little mermaid incident "daddy I swear I didn't take the money."

"Don't you lie to me."

"But I'm not, I di-."

"I said DONT LIE" he said that he punched me in the stomach and at that moment all the air inside of me flew out. I started tousling and turning.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the floor, I stood up and he grabbed me by the neck "you'll pay back every single penny that you stole from me-."

"Yes daddy I'm sorry."

"I wasn't finished. Just so you know if you ever lie or steal from me again I'll do much worse" after he said that he released my neck and walked away.

I got up on my bed again and started crying.

So this sucked.

I was scared that my dad would come in again and do the same thing. As I sat there crying I couldn't help but wonder how Phillips night was going.



I saw her walk into her house, go on my motorcycle and started driving home.

When I got home I opened the door and saw my brother standing there, I think they where waiting for me "so... tell us"

"Tell you what?"

"How it went with Maya" when they said that I automatically rolled my eyes "nothing happened if that's what you mean."

"God Phillip your so picky" I was offended by that comment "I'm not picky, I'm just waiting for the right one."

"And you people say that I'm sappy, god" Toby was the one who said that "we didn't say you were sappy your just over dramatic."

"Are you saying that I'm a... drama queen?" when he said that Christian my brother turned around "Toby were not saying it were implying it."

"Oh fuck you."

"This is what were talking about, DRAMA."

"How did this get flipped to me we were talking about Phillip not getting any" I thought we were over that but apparently not "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Just kiss her, the next time you see here your gonna kiss her."

"I just met her" they were confused "and? that hasn't stopped any of us."

"First thing first gross and I don't even know how to flirt."

"We can teach you" they looked so exited, it was super weird "ok so be cocky and act like you don't care girls love that."

"Really, they do?"

"Just do what we tell you" after he said that the doorbell rang "I'll get it" even do I didn't want to talk to this person on the door it was better than talking to my brothers.

When I opened the door I was not ready for what I saw "Maya."

"Hey Phillip."

"Kiss her."

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