chapter 10: horny little teenager

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We arrive to school and I get off from Phillips motorcycle "well I'll se you la-" he cuts himself of I don't know why but he just does.

"Oh my God Maya what happened to your stomach" I look down at my stomach and oh fuck.

Why am I so stupid? OH MY GOD I'm going to die I'm I blind did I not look in the mirror this morning?

Ok let me explain because I see you and you are so confused this outfit shows my stomach my stomach is full of scars and it has giant bruise you know because of the other night.

And let me tell you I've worn this outfit one time, well two counting this one and that one time it was when I went to a club with Serg and I had to use a shit tone of makeup to cover up my scars.

This morning I DIDNT USE MAKEUP, why? I don't know it's because I'm stupid AF that's why and know Phillip is looking at me as if I'm about to die and I have to come up with a good excuse.

"I fell, flat on my stomach on the... hard concrete, yes."

"And all of does scars?" FUCK you little bitch why do you keep asking questions " when I was...a baby I had to get a lot"

"Ok just be more careful next time, ok" I look at him like bitch I can do it anything about it "ok but I don't make any promises."

"As long as you try."

"Oh trust me I trie, I trie really REALLY hard."

After that I freaking ran in to school that conversation was just... something else.


Oh my God finally lunch I swear if I had to listen to Miss Dorothy's annoying voice for one more second I would have died right then and there.

I get to the cafeteria, get my lunch, sit alone in the back corner and start doing my homework because your girl ain't got time for that BULLSHIT.

"What are you doing here all alone?" I look up and see none other than Phillip and his friends sitting with me.

"First of all why are you sitting with me and second of all WHY ARE YOU SITTING WITH ME?"

"Because we're friends" I give him one of those looks that say 'bitch what the fuck are you talking about' "we literally met 3 days ago."

"Yes and in those 3 days we've formed an unbreakable bond."

"Sure, whatever you say pretty boy, whatever you say" you know I may have a tiny little crush on Phillip but that doesn't mean I have to be nice.

"Hi Maya" Chase says while sitting down and Oliver follows closely behind.

"We heard about your little sleepover" I roll my eyes "you told them?" He looks at me with an I'm sorry smile.

"Of course you told them. Let's get one thing straight nothing happened and nothing ever will happen-" I get cut off by none other than Phillip "what do you mean nothing will ever happen?"

"Do you want something to happen?"

"Un...." I rase one eyebrow "no, no obviously not" I look at Oliver and Chase like 'watch me make this fool go crazy.'

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