Chapter 13: hoe for drama

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And I just overshared aahahaaaah.

You just witnessed me using my superpower and that is making people confused or making them feel awkward it's quiet magical not gonna lie "shit um... forget I even said anything."

"How are we supposed to forget, now your going to tell us everything" um who does he think he is thinking he can just grab my arm and tell me what to do "um no I'm not gonna tell you nothing and you don't have to forget just never mention it again cause if you do I swear to god I'll rip your fucking balls out" with wide eyes.

"okay?" I ask racing an eyebrow "I said do you FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME?"

'Yes, yes we do" Oliver says as if I'm threatening him with his life "k, later losers," I say walking away.

You know controlling, threatening, and overall just manipulating rich white boys is so fucking easy you just raise your voice and say curse words and there you go you have them on there Knees.

But honestly, it's easy controlling any horny guy.


Finally, school is fucking over I thought it would never end I was so close to falling asleep in English, it really was a close call.

"Hey, Maya you want me to give you a ride to my house for the party" right I forgot that was happening "sure."

"Okay come on" he grabs my hand and starts running threw the hall than outside the school and towards his motorcycle "here we are," he says catching his breath.

I smile and laugh "did we really have to run?"

"Well I didn't take into consideration that you are really freaking slow so know we're late" I roll my eyes "Like what five minutes."

"Late is late woman, late is late" I roll my eyes "how can I make it up to you?'

"I don't think you can't" I twist his head cause we're already on his bike "oh but I think I can" I kiss him on the cheek and to drive him crazy I kiss him very close to his lips.

"Uh- uh" I laugh when I see his face cause it's red as a tomato "just drive pretty boy, just drive."


When we get to his house my jaw drops once more I don't think I'll ever get used to it.

I zone out and start thinking about how my house would probably fit in the kitchen and that my room is ruffly the same size as Phillips bathroom "Earth to Maya."

"Mhmm" he smiles and rolls his eyes "let's go" he grabs my hand once more and starts running again.

Jesus Christ, why doesn't this boy run and not walk? What's wrong with walking God.

We get to the pool and I see all of the sluts in there tiny and when I say tiny I mean tiny itty bitty bikinis.


Then we have them, horny ass boys, trying to get with the girls in the tiny bikinis and ah my favorites the alcoholics that probably already drank 5 bottles of beer.

"So I'm gonna go change stay here."



I look at myself in the mirror "okay Phillip you can do this you've hosted millions of parties your friends are alcoholic fuck, boys this is nothing new to you."

I look outside my window and consider jumping, why the freak did I agree to this? Thank god all of my siblings are boys that way I can sleep cause I know has fucked up even worse.

I take one last look at myself, inhale and exhale and then leave my room.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and realize that maybe I've fucked up worse than my brothers but then I see Maya and butterflies in my stomach.

I walk up to her "hey beautiful why are you not in a bathing suit."



"Hey, beautiful why are you not in a bathing suit," I think he means it in another way like a nice, sweet concerned way but my dirty ass mind thinks that he is trying to get in my pants but...

"Oh, um I'm waiting for-" speak of the devil I swear to the Lord Jesus people be listening to my conversations so when they here there name they pop up like 'hi bitch I was summand here by you when you said my name.

I need to tell you something, Serg is the kind of gay that doesn't look gay, he has tattoos EVERYWHERE on his body, he is buff ass fuck and has that kind of face that says 'I am a fuck boy.'

When Serg starts walking up to me I immediately roll my eyes all the girls start swooning and staring at him like hungry lions, oh if only they knew that he is probably the gayest person they will EVER meet "hi bitch" he says and throws the bathing suit at me.

"Well look who decided to show up" he rolls his eyes he wasn't even that late I just love me some drama "do you think I wanna be here?"

"No sweetie I don't think I you wanna be here I know you wanna be here."

"Your right and do you know why that is?" I roll my eyes knowing he was gonna answer his one question "cause I'm a hoe for drama" told you.

I smile at him and look him up and down "me acabas de barrer hija de puta (did you just look me up and down you bitch)" I chuckle "maybe."

"I'll get you back but right now you need to go change so you can give all of the guys here a boner" I make a face of disgust and put my hand on my head "how are we friends?"

"I don't know either, but that is a topic to discuss later right know" he stands me up, puts the bathing suit in my hand, turns me around and slaps my ass.

As I walk away I turn around to face him and shake my head no but he just gives me the thumbs up.

Yass bitches that is the end of the chapter if you have any recommendations or requests leave a comment probably no one will but it's fine. I want to explain something as you know I'm Mexican and here in Mexico barremos witch is like looking a person up and down and judging them, I didn't know how the fuuuuuuck I would translate it cause it makes no fucking sense in English so I did the best I could.

As always thank you for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share see you next chapter.

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