Chapter 7: dance class

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We went into the dancing studio and I was surprised there were like 3 more boys, I thought he was gonna be the only guy but what bothered me was that there were like 30 girls and when they saw Phillip walk in they all came racing toward us. They were worse than Phillis brothers "Hey Phillip, we thought you wouldn't gonna- oh... and whos this skank?" when she said that we both looked at her shocked until they all started laughing.

"Omg I'm kidding, I guess you're doesn't have a sense of humor" I gave her the biggest eye roll and the fakest smile "so what's your name?"

"It's Maya you hoer" we stared at each other until we both faked laugh at the same time "I'm Agnes."

"Well hello, acne," I said that putting my hand out so she could shake it but she just rolled her eyes and pushed it back down.

"So... Phillip were can I sit?"

"You can sit over there in that-" he pointed over to a chair but he couldn't finish because of Agnes... ugh "no she can't be in the classroom, she can sit with the parents."

Phillip didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say "FINE" I said waking out of the classroom to were all the parents were. There were 5 moms and 2 dads Inn sat down praying to the Lord Jesus that I wouldn't have to entire act with these people "Hi honey, what's your name" fuck.

"I'm Maya," I said with a big smile hoping she wouldn't notice it was fake "are you new here?"

"You mean like I'll start dancing here?" I laughed she thought that I was a dancer "Oh no, no, no I just came here with Phillip" when I said that every one of them turned around to see me.

"Are you his... girlfriend" I started laughing even harder "God no we just met."

"Oh, we were just hoping that he finally found the one. Did you know that he has never had a girlfriend?"

"Yes, his brothers told me" they all looked shocked "so sweetie, explain to me. You just met him and you've already met his family?"

"Yes... I went to lunch yesterday at his house and met them" they all were in disbelief, and I could understand because I literally met him, talked to him for five minutes then he drove me to school on his motorcycle and after that when to lunch at his house and had a sleepover, so... yeah I don't know who's crazier me or him.

"So..." we were all in awkward silence this is happening to me a lot in the past hours.

As we sat there in silence and saw as all of them dance and just so you know I didn't laugh it was actually quite graceful except for Agnes she looked like dancing mucus and no I'm not jealous to be jealous you have to have a crush and I like Phillip as a friend.

I sat there awkwardly for about an hour and when I saw that they were dismissed I quickly got up from my seat and ran to the door. When Phillip came out he was talking to the 2 other guys "did you enjoy the class?"

"Yes actually you looked... graceful" I could feel his ego growing "so I'm going out to eat with guys and  I was wondering if you wanted to come."

"I don't know..." I was scared that my father was gonna get mad that I didn't clean the house "please Maya I'll be fun" what the guys knew my name.

"How do you know my name?"

"I'm Oliver we're in the same geometry class" I had no fucking idea but I didn't want to be rude "oh yeah... obviously ."

"And you are?"

"Chase... from biology" who the hell are these people "yes, yes right."

"So do you want to come? please" I rolled my eyes with a smile and finally gave in "fine but I have to be home by five" so that I can clean the house and not get killed.

We went outside "so where should we go?" they turned around to look at me "any ideas Maya?" why did they have to ask me don't they know I'm socially awkward, don't they?

"Why are you asking me?" they gave me an 'I don't know, but answer us' look so I started thinking... and then it came to me, we could go to El Califa it's a Mexican restaurant in my neighborhood "we could go to El Califa."

"What is that?"

"It's a Mexican restaurant" they all agreed and started looking up the location of the place and when they got it we started heading to the guy's car, but wait "Phillip are you just gonna leave your motorcycle here?"

"Oh... right" the guys looked at him disappointed, I don't know why? but... rich people problems I guess "it's fine one of my brothers can pick it up" and problem solved.

We got in the car and started driving "so what do you guys want to listen to... Maya?" why the hell do they keep asking me? WHAT THE FUCK "I don't know and I really don't care" they didn't bother to argue and put on some bullshit.

When I heard what they were listening to "oh hell to the no. we are not listening to this shit put HP by Maluma."

"But why? it's the backstreet boys there great" I looked at them with 'I can't believe what you are saying' look "you guys must be gay it's the only explanation."

"Well, we thought that Phillip was until you came along" I start laughing, that comment to me is EVERYTHING.

"Fuck you."

"But it's true, all of the girls at school flirt with you all the time and you say that you are not ready to be in a relationship, like bro."

"It's not that I'm not ready it's that I'm looking for the one" they both roll there eyes "again with the soulmate shit just get a girl any girl" when he said that chase turned around to look at me and I gave him a confused look.

"Maya, are you available?"

"Sadly Yes, lonely as fuck" they both looked at me with a look that I have never seen before "then why don't you two get together."

"Ha, puh-lease I'm way too good for him" he looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "I thought that you thought that I was pretty" I give him a small smirk.

"Exactly, pretty not handsome there is a difference."

"And tell me what is that difference."

"Well, you're like a baby I want to squeeze your cheeks not kiss you the lips" he goes speechless "bro you got burned" I smile proudly at myself.

"Ok, ok can we stop talking about how I'm a pathetic loser" I chuckle because I know he says it in a joking matter "finally you admit it" he sticks his tongue out at me and I roll my eyes with a smile.

So childish.

We arrive at the restaurant and I get out of the car with a smile. I'm so excited this is gonna be great El Califa is my favorite restaurant.

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